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;   Include file for the QQ2 PIC application.
/const   debug_icd bool = false
/const   debug   bool = false
/include "qq2lib.ins.aspic"
;   Application configuration parameters
gbank    equ     0           ;direct register bank for global variables
; gbankadr equ     0           ;adr within globals bank (access bank on PIC18)

tsksave  set     0           ;build the mask of registers for TASK_YIELD to save
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf0
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf1
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf2
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf3
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf4
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf5
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf6
tsksave  set     tsksave | regf7
;   Response opcodes.  These are the opcodes of packets sent to the main control
;   processor.
rsp_nop  equ     0           ;NOP
rsp_pong equ     1           ;PONG - sent in response to PING command
rsp_fwinfo equ   2           ;FWINFO - firmware type, version, sequence
;   Derived constants.
/include "(cog)src/pic/task_setup.ins.aspic" ;derive additional tasking setup

gbankadr equ     bankadr(gbank) ;adr within globals bank

;   Global flag bits.
/flag    sin                 ;a serial line input byte is available
/flag    sout                ;serial output can accept another byte
/flag    uartcmd             ;command processor has UART output locked

;   I/O pin declarations.
;   The ports are initialized in the PORT module according to the I/O
;   bit definitions here.
/inbit   ex1     porta 0     ;example input bit, port A bit 0
/outbit  ex2     porta 1 0   ;example output bit, port A bit 1, initial value = 0

/inbit   button  portb 0 pup ;user button example, internal pullup enabled
/inbit   tx      portc 6     ;UART output, must be declared as input
/inbit   rx      portc 7     ;UART input, must be declared as input