;   ***************************************************************
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;   ****************************************************************
;   *                    ------ WARNING ------                     *
;   * PICs, and QQQ_INTR18.ASPIC FOR THE PIC18 FAMILY.             *
;   ****************************************************************
;   Interrupt service and related routines.
/include "qq2.ins.aspic"

         extern_flags        ;declare global flag bits EXTERN

;   Configuration constants.
save_fsr equ     true        ;indicate whether ISR must save/restore FSR
niregs   equ     0           ;num of IREGn private interrupt routine registers

;   Derived constants.

;   Global state.
;   The following global state is in the normal register bank for global
;   state.  The bank is GBANK, and GBANKADR is an address guaranteed to
;   be within this bank.
         defram  gbankadr

;   Local state.  This is always in the same register bank as the global
;   state.

;   The following state is private to the interrupt service routine, and
;   must always be in bank 0.
         defram  0

status_save res  1           ;saved copy of STATUS, nibbles swapped
  if save_fsr
fsr_save res     1           ;saved copy of FSR (if FSR save enabled)
  if ncodepages > 1
pclath_save res  1           ;saved copy of PCLATH (if multiple code pages)
;   Define the IREGn general register for use during an interrupt.  The
;   general registers REGn must not be altered during an interrupt without
;   being explicitly saved/restored, which usually makes them unusable.
;   The IREGn registers are used instead, although these are in bank 0
;   instead of global memory.  The number of IREGn registers is defined
;   by the constant NIREGS above.  The first is IREG0, then IREG1, etc.
ii       set     0
  while ii < niregs          ;once for each IREG register to define
ireg#v(ii) res   1           ;define this IREGn register
         global  ireg#v(ii)  ;make is global for interrupt code in other modules
ii       set     ii + 1      ;advance to next IREG number
    endw                     ;back to define next IREG
;   This state is private to the interrupt service routine and must always
;   be accessible regardless of the current direct register bank setting.
w_save   res     1           ;saved W during interrupt, mapped to all banks

.intr    code
;   Subroutine INTR_INIT
;   Initialize the interrupt system and other state managed by this module.
         glbsub  intr_init, noregs
;   Initialize global state.

;   Initialize local state.

;   Enable interrupts.  Any interrupts used have already been enabled
;   individually, but interrupts are still disabled globally.
  ifdef pir1
         dbankif pir1
         clrf    pir1        ;clear any existing peripheral 1 intr condition
  ifdef pir2
         dbankif pir2
         clrf    pir2        ;clear any existing peripheral 2 intr condition

  ifdef peie
         bsf     intcon, peie ;enable peripheral interrupts
         bsf     intcon, gie ;globally enable interrupts


;   Interrupt service routine.
;   The processor executes a call to location 4 on an interrupt, and in
;   addition globally disables interrupts.  These are re-enabled at the end
;   of the ISR by the RETFIE instruction.
;   Note that subroutine calls must be minimized or avoided in the ISR.
;   Since an interrupt can come at any time in the main code, any additional
;   call stack locations used here are not available anywhere else.
.intr_svc code   4           ;start at interrupt vector location
         movwf   w_save      ;save W
         swapf   status, w   ;make copy of status with nibbles swapped
         clrf    status      ;select direct and indirect register banks 0
         dbankis 0
         ibankis 0
         movwf   status_save ;save old STATUS value with nibbles swapped

  if save_fsr                ;FSR needs to be saved ?
         movf    fsr, w      ;save FSR
         movwf   fsr_save

  if ncodepages > 1          ;multiple code pages may be in use ?
         movf    pclath, w   ;save PCLATH
         movwf   pclath_save
         clrf    pclath      ;now definitely on code page 0
;   W, STATUS, FSR (if SAVE_FSR set), and PCLATH (if multiple code pages)
;   have been saved.  Direct and indirect register banks 0 are selected, and
;   the bank assumptions have been set accordingly.  Program memory page 0
;   is selected.

;   Check for UART receive interrupt.
         extern  uart_intr_recv ;receive interrupt routine in UART module

         dbankif pir1
         dbankif rcif_reg
         btfss   rcif_flag   ;interrupt condition asserted ?
         jump    no_uart_recv ;no
         gjump   uart_intr_recv ;handle interrupt, will go to INTR_RET_UART on done
no_uart_recv dbankis rcif_reg
;   Check for UART transmitter ready interrupt.
         extern  uart_intr_xmit ;transmit interrupt routine in UART module

         dbankif txie_reg
         btfss   txie_flag   ;this interrupt enabled ?
         jump    no_uart_xmit ;no
         dbankif txif_reg
         btfss   txif_flag   ;interrupt condition asserted ?
         jump    no_uart_xmit ;no
         gjump   uart_intr_xmit ;handle interrupt, will go to INTR_RET_UART on done
no_uart_xmit unbank

         gjump   0           ;unexpected interrupt, should never happen

;   Restore state to when the interrupt occurred and return from interrupt.
         glbent  intr_ret    ;common interrupt exit point
         glbent  intr_ret_uart ;UART interrupts return here when done

         clrf    status      ;register bank settings are now 0
         dbankis 0
         ibankis 0
  if ncodepages > 1          ;multiple code pages may be in use ?
         movf    pclath_save, w ;restore PCLATH
         movwf   pclath

  if save_fsr                ;FSR needs to be restored ?
         movf    fsr_save, w ;restore FSR
         movwf   fsr

         swapf   status_save, w ;get old STATUS without changing status bits
         movwf   status      ;restore STATUS, register banks now unknown
         swapf   w_save      ;swap nibbles in saved copy of W
         swapf   w_save, w   ;restore original W

         retfie              ;return from interrupt, re-enable interrupts
