;   ***************************************************************
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;   Top module for the QQ2 project.  See the QQ2.INS.ASPIC include
;   file for a description of the project.
/include "qq2.ins.aspic"

         extern  regs        ;force general registers to be defined

         extern  init        ;system startup after individual modules initialized

/show "  Instruction clock = " [eng freq_inst 4] "Hz"
/if debug_icd then
  /show "  Configured for ICD debugging"

;   Set static processor configuration bits.

;   Sample for 16F628.
         __config b'11111101000010'
                 ;  1111----------  code protection off
                 ;  -----1--------  data memory protection off
                 ;  ------0-------  low voltage programming disabled
                 ;  -------1------  brown out detect enabled
                 ;  --------0-----  RA5 is digital input, not MCLR
                 ;  ----------0---  power up timer enabled
                 ;  -----------0--  watchdog timer disabled
                 ;  ---------0--10  HS oscillator mode
;   Sample for 16F876.
         __config b'11111101110010'
                 ;  11------11----  code protection disabled
                 ;  --1-----------  no in circuit debugging, RB6,RB7 general I/O
                 ;  ---X----------  unused
                 ;  ----1---------  flash memory is writeable by program
                 ;  -----1--------  EEPROM read protection disabled
                 ;  ------0-------  low volt in circ prog off, RB3 is general I/O
                 ;  -------1------  brown out reset enabled
                 ;  ----------0---  power up timer enabled
                 ;  -----------0--  watchdog timer disabled
                 ;  ------------10  high speed oscillator mode
;   Sample for 18F47J53.
.config  code_pack cfg_adr

         db      b'10101100' ;CONFIG1L
                 ; 1-------  RB6/RB7 debugging disabled
                 ; -0------  disable extended instruction set
                 ; --1-----  reset on stack overflow or underflow
                 ; ---0----  96 MHz PLL enabled
                 ; ----110-  input to PLL is divided by 2 (8 MHz osc)
                 ; -------0  watchdog timer disabled

         db      b'11111111' ;CONFIG1H
                 ; XXXXX---  unused
                 ; -----1--  code protection disabled
                 ; ------11  CPU clock not divided from USB clock

         db      b'00001101' ;CONFIG2L
                 ; 0-------  two speed startup disabled
                 ; -0------  failsafe clock monitor disabled
                 ; --0-----  don't drive clock on CLKO (unused with XTAL)
                 ; ---01---  timer 1 oscillator set to low power
                 ; -----101  HSPLL oscillator mode (XTAL with PLL)

         db      b'11111111' ;CONFIG2H
                 ; 1111----  unused
                 ; ----1111  watchdog timer prescaler divides by 32768

         db      b'11110101' ;CONFIG3L
                 ; 1111----  deep sleep watchdog maximum postscaler
                 ; ----0---  deep sleep watchdog disabled
                 ; -----1--  brownout reset enabled in deep sleep
                 ; ------0-  real time clock uses INTRC as source
                 ; -------1  deep sleep watchdog uses INTRC for clock

         db      b'11111101' ;CONFIG3H
                 ; 1111----  unused
                 ; ----1---  select MSSP 8 bit adr mode, not 5 bit
                 ; -----X--  unused
                 ; ------0-  select A/D 12 bit mode, not 10 bit
                 ; -------1  pin select unlock only allowed once

         db      b'11111111' ;CONFIG4L
                 ; 1-------  config words not write/erase protected
                 ; -1111111  WPFP, write/erase page start/end (not used)

         db      b'11111111' ;CONFIG4H
                 ; 1111----  unused
                 ; ----1---  indicate USB clock is 48 MHz
                 ; -----X--  unused
                 ; ------1-  protect from WPFP to config words (not used}
                 ; -------1  write protection disabled, WPFP ignored
;   Sample for 16F630, 12F625, etc.
         __config b'11111110000100'
                 ;  XX------------  band gap cal, preserved by programmer
                 ;  --XXX---------  unused
                 ;  -----1--------  data EEPROM protection disabled
                 ;  ------1-------  program memory code protection disabled
                 ;  -------0------  brownout detect disabled
                 ;  --------0-----  MCLR disabled, RA3 is digital input
                 ;  ---------0----  power up timer enabled
                 ;  ----------0---  watchdog timer disabled
                 ;  -----------100  internal oscillator, RA4 is normal I/O pin

osc_cal_call equ h'3FF'      ;internal osc in use, adr of RETLW calibration value
;   Global state.
         defram  gbankadr
;   Declare global flag bytes GFL0 - GFLn.  The assembly constant
;   NFLAGB is set to the number of these flag bytes by the /FLAG
;   preprocessor directives in QQ2.INS.ASPIC.
         flags_define        ;define the variables for the global flag bits

;   Executable code.
;   Reset vector.
.reset   code    0
         clrf    intcon      ;disable all interrupts
         gjump   relstart    ;jump to relocatable startup code
;   Relocatable code.
;   This code only initializes the individual modules.  The remaining
;   system initialization is done in the QQ2_INIT module, which jumps
;   to MAIN when done.
.strt    code
relstart unbank
;   Set the oscillator calibration value if this processor has one and
;   we are using the internal oscillator.  The constant OSC_CAL_CALL
;   is defined in the processor configuration section if the internal
;   oscillator is being used and the factory calibration value is
;   stored in a RETLW instruction at a particular address.
  ifdef osc_cal_call         ;internal oscillator being used, get value via RETLW
         setpage osc_cal_call ;set up for calling the specific address
         call    osc_cal_call ;get the calibration value into W
         dbankif osccal
         movwf   osccal      ;adjust the oscillator to the factory calibrated value
         mypage              ;restore paging state to this page
;   Init the interrupt system to completely off and default configuration.
  ifdef intcon2
         dbankif intcon2
         movlw   b'10000000'
                 ; 1-------  disable port B passive pullups
                 ; -0000000  init interrupts to disabled
         movwf   intcon2     ;init interrupts off to extent possible
  ifdef intcon3
         dbankif intcon3
         clrf    intcon3
         ;   Make sure all interrupts are individually disabled.
  ifdef pie1
         dbankif pie1
         clrf    pie1
  ifdef pie2
         dbankif pie2
         clrf    pie2
  ifdef pie3
         dbankif pie3
         clrf    pie3
         ;   Clear any existing interrupt conditions.
  ifdef pir1
         dbankif pir1
         clrf    pir1
  ifdef pir2
         dbankif pir2
         clrf    pir2
  ifdef pir3
         dbankif pir3
         clrf    pir3
         ;   Init all interrupt priorities to the lowest priority.
  ifdef ipr1
         dbankif ipr1
         clrf    ipr1
  ifdef ipr2
         dbankif ipr2
         clrf    ipr2
  ifdef ipr3
         dbankif ipr3
         clrf    ipr3

  ifdef rcon
         dbankif rcon
         bcf     rcon, ipen
;   Initialize the global flag bits that are declared with /FLAG
;   directives in the main include file.
         flags_clear         ;initialize all global flag bits to 0
;   Initialize the separate modules.
         gcallnr stack_init  ;init the software data stack
         gcallnr port_init   ;init I/O ports
         gcallnr uart_init   ;init serial I/O
         gcallnr cmd_init    ;init host command processing

         gcallnr intr_init   ;init interrupt management and enable interrupts
;   All the individual modules have been initialized.  Now start up the
;   overall system.
         gjump   init        ;go to system initialization module
