;   ***************************************************************
;   * Copyright (C) 2005, Embed Inc (http://www.embedinc.com)     *
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;   * copyright notice is included in its entirety at the         *
;   * beginning of the file, whether the file is copied in whole  *
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;   ***************************************************************
/include "qq2.ins.dspic"

;   Configuration constants.

;   Derived constants.
  /var local ii integer
  /var local r real
  /var local s string


;   Variables.
;   Global state.
.section .ram_qq3, bss       ;variables in normal RAM

;   Local state.

;   Local state in near memory.
.section .near_qq3, bss, near ;varibles in near RAM

alloc    flags               ;individual 1-bit flags, use FLG_xxx bit numbers
         ;   Bits in FLAGS word.  Each symbol is the number of its flag bit.
.equiv   flg_xxx, 0

.section .code_qq3, code
;   Subroutine QQ3_INIT
;   Initialize the hardware and software state managed by this module.
         glbsub  qq3_init
