;   ***************************************************************
;   * Copyright (C) 2007, Embed Inc (http://www.embedinc.com)     *
;   *                                                             *
;   * Permission to copy this file is granted as long as this     *
;   * copyright notice is included in its entirety at the         *
;   * beginning of the file, whether the file is copied in whole  *
;   * or in part and regardless of whether other information is   *
;   * added to the copy.                                          *
;   *                                                             *
;   * The contents of this file may be used in any way,           *
;   * commercial or otherwise.  This file is provided "as is",    *
;   * and Embed Inc makes no claims of suitability for a          *
;   * particular purpose nor assumes any liability resulting from *
;   * its use.                                                    *
;   ***************************************************************
;   Standard include file assumed by most dsPIC source modules.  The specifics
;   must be configured to the particular processor and application.  This is
;   done by setting assembly values before this file is included.  The include
;   file STD_DEF.INS.DSPIC is provided to set defaults for all the required
;   assembly values.  An application should include STD_DEF.INS.DSPIC, then set
;   any values it knows and cares about, then include STD.INS.DSPIC.  In this
;   way, applications are protected from changes to this include file that may
;   require additional values to be set.
;   The following preprocessor symbols may be defined before this file.
;     FREQ_OSC  -  Processor oscillator frequency in Hz.  This is the effective
;       oscillator frequency after the PLL, if enabled, is applied.  Required.
;     FREQ_INST  -  Instruction cycle frequency in Hz.  The default is
;       FREQ_OSC / 4.
;     USING_C30  -  Boolean.  The firmware build includes C30 modules, not just
;       ASM30 modules.  This may cause additional C callable entry points to be
;       defined for some standard subsystems.  Defaults to FALSE.
;     USING_XC16  -  Boolean.  Just like USING_C30, except for the XC16 compiler
;       instead of the C30 compiler.
;   This file is divided into sections of related features.  Each section starts
;   with two lines of stars.  Briefly, the sections, in order in this file, are:
;     Configuration constants.
;     Skip and branch macros.
;     General utility macros and preprocessor subroutines.
;       NOSKID  -  Add NOPs for debugger to skid over.
;       SETVAR  -  Set variable to constant value.
;       SHIRTRA32, SHIFTRA32L, SHIFTRL32, SHIFTRL32L  -  32 bit shift.
;       ADD_HALF, ADD_HALF32  -  Add 1/2 to fixed point, for rounding.
;       SHIFTL_MULT16U, SCALE_CONFIG, SCALE  -  Scaling by constants.
;       INTR_PRIORITY  -  Set priority of a specific interrupt.
;       FP48_MAKE  -  Create 48 bit floating point in preprocessor.
;       GET_WN  -  Parse "Wn" register reference.
;       PGMADR  -  Load sanitized fixed address into Wn register pair.
;       FPLOAD, FPPUT, FPGET  -  32 bit fast floating point handling.
;       EEWORD, FPWORDS  -  Define constants in EEPROM.
;       WAITCY, BUSYWAIT, MINWAIT, WAITNOP  -  Short timing.
;       WAITSEC  -  Efficient waits, assumes WAITMS routine.
;       ALLOC, ALLOCG  -  Allocate memory in RAM.
;       STRUCT_START, FIELD  -  Define data structure with named fields.
;       BAUD_SETUP30, BAUD_SETUP  -  UART baud rate setup.
;       SELECT_OUTPIN, SELECT_INPIN  -  Peripheral pin select helpers.
;       CAN_TIMING  -  CAN peripheral timing configuration.
;       DISPATCH  -  Branch according to dispatch table.
;       WRITE_PUSH, WRITE_POP  -  Writing to separate output file.
;       PARSE_CMD, CmdRef, ENTPNT, EXPORT_RSP  -  Command/response helpers.
;       START_TASK, YIELD_CHECK  -  Embed multi-tasking helpers.
;       LOAD32  -  Load 32-bit constant into W register pair.
;       FX3F29U  -  Convert constant to 3.29 fixed point.
;     Timer setup and manipulation.
;     Global 1-bit named flags.
;     Writing ASM state to .H files.
;     Subroutine linkage and gloabl entry points.
;     I/O port configuration.
;     FIFOs.
;     Preprocessor string parsing and manipulation.
;     Defining constants in program memory.

;   Configuration constants.

//   Set up the debugging environment.
//   If any DEBUG_xxx constants exist, then it is assumed that the old system
//   for setting debug switches is in use.  Otherwise, the MAKE_DEBUG program is
//   run to create the debug switches.  Either way, the new constant DEBUGGING
//   is always created.
  /var local dbg bool = false //found at least one DEBUG_xxx constant
  /var local dbgon bool = false //OR of all DEBUG_xxx constants
  /var local sy string //scratch symbol name
  /var local fnam string //scratch file name
  /loop symbols sym const
    /set sy [sym sym name]
    /if [< [slen sy] 7] then
    /if [<> [substr 1 6 sy] "debug_"] then
    /if [<> [sym sym dtype] "BOOL"] then
    /set dbg True
    /set dbgon [or dbgon [chars sym]]

  /if dbg then //old style debug switches in use ?
    /if [<> [evar "debug"] ""] then
      /show "  *** ERROR ***"
      /show "  Using the DEBUG environment variable is incompatible with debug switches"
      /show "  set in the project include file."
         .error  "Debug"
    /if [not [exist "debugging:const"]] then
      /const debugging bool = dbgon
    /if [not [exist "debug:const"]] then
      /const debug bool = debugging
    /if [not [exist "debug_icd:const"]] then
      /const debug_icd bool = false
    /if [exist "debug_icdram:vcon"] then
      /if [and debug_icd [not debug_icdram]] then
        /del debug_icdram
    /if [not [exist "debug_icdram:vcon"]] then
      /const debug_icdram bool = debug_icd
  //   The debug switches are defined via the DEBUG environment variable.
  /set fnam [str "(cog)src/" srcdir "/debug_" buildname ".ins.dspic"]
  /run "make_debug """ fnam """ icd"
  /include fnam
  /const debug bool = debugging //for compatibility with old code

.equiv   debugging, [if debugging 1 0]
.equiv   debug,  [if debugging 1 0]
.equiv   debug_icd, [if debug_icd 1 0]

//   Set up other constants.
/if [not [exist "using_c30"]] then
  /const using_c30 bool = false
/if [not [exist "using_xc16"]] then
  /const using_xc16 bool = false
/const   using_c bool = [or using_c30 using_xc16]

/if [not [exist "freq_inst"]] then
  /const freq_inst real = [/ freq_osc 4]

/if [not [exist "dymem_heap:const"]] then
  /const dymem_heap bool = [exist "minstack0:const"]

.set     nflagb, 0           ;init to no GFLn flag registers allocated
;   Derived constants.
.equiv   freq_osc, [rnd freq_osc] ;final oscillator frequency in Hz
.equiv   freq_inst, [rnd freq_inst] ;instruction cycle frequency in Hz

//   Subroutine DEBUG_INIT name
//   If a boolean with name "debug_<name>" does not exist, then it is created as
//   a constant set to False.
/subroutine debug_init
  /var local name string = [vnl [qstr [arg 1]]]

  /if [not [exist [str "debug_" name ":vcon"]]] then
    /const debug_[chars name] bool = false

;   Skip and branch macros.

;   Macro SKIP_Z
;   Skip the next instruction if the Z flag is set.
.macro skip_z
         btss    Sr, #Z

;   Macro SKIP_NZ
;   Skip the next instruction if the Z flag is not set.
.macro skip_nz
         btsc    Sr, #Z

;   Macro BRA_BORR target
;   Branch to TARGET if the last arthmetic operation resulted in a borrow (C
;   flag not set).
.macro bra_borr target
         bra     nc, \target

;   Macro BRA_NBORR target
;   Branch to TARGET if the last arthmetic operation did not result in a borrow
;   (C flag set).
.macro bra_nborr target
         bra     c, \target

;   Macro SKIP_BORR
;   Skip the next instruction if the last arithmetic operation resulted in a
;   borrow.
.macro skip_borr
         btsc    Sr, #C

;   Macro SKIP_NBORR
;   Skip the next instruction if the last arithmetic operation did not result in
;   a borrow.
.macro skip_nborr
         btss    Sr, #C

;   Macro BRA_CARR target
;   Branch to TARGET if the last arthmetic operation resulted in a carry (C flag
;   set).
.macro bra_carr target
         bra     c, \target

;   Macro BRA_NCARR target
;   Branch to TARGET if the last arthmetic operation did not result in a
;   carry (C flag not set).
.macro bra_ncarr target
         bra     nc, \target

;   Macro SKIP_CARR
;   Skip the next instruction if the last arithmetic operation resulted in a
;   carry.
.macro skip_carr
         btss    Sr, #C

;   Macro SKIP_NCARR
;   Skip the next instruction if the last arithmetic operation did not result in
;   a carry.
.macro skip_ncarr
         btsc    Sr, #C

;   Macro SKIP_xxx
;   Various macros that skip the next instruction on various conditions that can
;   only be tested by BRA instructions.  These execute a BRA to skip one
;   instruction when the condition is true.
.macro skip_lt               ;skip if less than, signed
         bra     lt, $+4

.macro skip_ltu              ;skip if less than, unsigned
         bra     ltu, $+4

.macro skip_le               ;skip if less than or equal to, signed
         bra     le, $+4

.macro skip_leu              ;skip if less than or equal to, unsigned
         bra     leu, $+4

.macro skip_eq               ;skip if equal to
         bra     z, $+4

.macro skip_ne               ;skip if not equal to
         bra     nz, $+4

.macro skip_ge               ;skip if greater than or equal to, signed
         bra     ge, $+4

.macro skip_geu              ;skip if greater than or equal to, unsigned
         bra     geu, $+4

.macro skip_gt               ;skip if greater than, signed
         bra     gt, $+4

.macro skip_gtu              ;skip if greater than, unsigned
         bra     gtu, $+4

.macro skip_neg              ;skip if negative
         bra     n, $+4

.macro skip_posz             ;skip if positive or zero
         bra     nn, $+4

.macro skip_ov               ;skip on overflow
         bra     ov, $+4

.macro skip_nov              ;skip on not overflow
         bra     nov, $+4

;   General utility macros and preprocessor subroutines.

;   Macro NOSKID
.macro noskid
  .if debug

;   Macro SETVAR val, var
;   Set the variable VAR to the value VAL.  VAL must be a constant.
;   W0 is trashed.
.macro setvar val, var
         mov     #\val, w0
         mov     w0, \var

//   Macro SHIFTRA32 Wh, Wl, Ws, N
//   Shift the 32 bit value in Wh:Wl right arithmetically by N bits.  Ws is a
//   register that can be used for scratch, which may be trashed.  The Wx
//   arguments must be working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro shiftra32
  /var local wh string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;high register of 32 bit word
  /var local wl string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;low register of 32 bit word
  /var local ws string = [qstr [arg 3]] ;scratch register
  /var local n integer = [arg 4] ;number of bits to shift right
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";arithmetic right shift " [ucase wh] ":" [ucase wl] " by " n " bits"]
  //   Handle case of shifting more than one whole word.
  /if [> n 16] then          ;shifting more than one word ?
         asr     [chars wh], #[- n 16], [chars wl] [chars s]
         asr     [chars wh], #15, [chars wh]
  //   Handle case of shifting by exactly one word.
  /if [= n 16] then          ;shifting exactly a whole word ?
         mov     [chars wh], [chars wl] [chars s]
         asr     [chars wh], #15, [chars wh]
  //  Shifting less then one word.
         lsr     [chars wl], #[v n], [chars wl] [chars s]
         sl      [chars wh], #[- 16 n], [chars ws]
         ior     [chars wl], [chars ws], [chars wl]
         asr     [chars wh], #[v n], [chars wh]

//   Macro SHIFTRA32L Wh, Wl, N
//   Shift the 32 bit value in Wh:Wl right arithmetically by N bits and save the
//   low 16 bits of the result in Wl.  Wh may be trashed.  The Wx arguments must
//   be working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro shiftra32l
  /var local wh string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;high register of 32 bit word
  /var local wl string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;low register of 32 bit word
  /var local n integer = [arg 3] ;number of bits to shift right
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";arithmetic right shift " [ucase wh] ":" [ucase wl] " by " n " bits into " [ucase wl]]
  //   Handle case of shifting more than one whole word.
  /if [> n 16] then          ;shifting more than one word ?
         asr     [chars wh], #[- n 16], [chars wl] [chars s]
  //   Handle case of shifting by exactly one word.
  /if [= n 16] then          ;shifting exactly a whole word ?
         mov     [chars wh], [chars wl] [chars s]
  //  Shifting less then one word.
         lsr     [chars wl], #[v n], [chars wl] [chars s]
         sl      [chars wh], #[- 16 n], [chars wh]
         ior     [chars wl], [chars wh], [chars wl]

//   Macro SHIFTRL32 Wh, Wl, Ws, N
//   Shift the 32 bit value in Wh:Wl right logically by N bits.  Ws is a
//   register that can be used for scratch, which may be trashed.  The Wx
//   arguments must be working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro shiftrl32
  /var local wh string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;high register of 32 bit word
  /var local wl string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;low register of 32 bit word
  /var local ws string = [qstr [arg 3]] ;scratch register
  /var local n integer = [arg 4] ;number of bits to shift right
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";logical right shift " [ucase wh] ":" [ucase wl] " by " n " bits"]
  //   Handle case of shifting more than one whole word.
  /if [> n 16] then          ;shifting more than one word ?
         lsr     [chars wh], #[- n 16], [chars wl] [chars s]
         mov     #0, [chars wh]
  //   Handle case of shifting by exactly one word.
  /if [= n 16] then          ;shifting exactly a whole word ?
         mov     [chars wh], [chars wl] [chars s]
         mov     #0, [chars wh]
  //  Shifting less then one word.
         lsr     [chars wl], #[v n], [chars wl] [chars s]
         sl      [chars wh], #[- 16 n], [chars ws]
         ior     [chars wl], [chars ws], [chars wl]
         lsr     [chars wh], #[v n], [chars wh]

//   Macro SHIFTRL32L Wh, Wl, N
//   Shift the 32 bit value in Wh:Wl right logically by N bits and save the low
//   16 bits of the result in Wl.  Wh may be trashed.  The Wx arguments must be
//   working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro shiftrl32l
  /var local wh string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;high register of 32 bit word
  /var local wl string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;low register of 32 bit word
  /var local n integer = [arg 3] ;number of bits to shift right
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";logical right shift " [ucase wh] ":" [ucase wl] " by " n " bits into " [ucase wl]]
  //   Handle case of shifting more than one whole word.
  /if [> n 16] then          ;shifting more than one word ?
         lsr     [chars wh], #[- n 16], [chars wl] [chars s]
  //   Handle case of shifting by exactly one word.
  /if [= n 16] then          ;shifting exactly a whole word ?
         mov     [chars wh], [chars wl] [chars s]
  //  Shifting less then one word.
         lsr     [chars wl], #[v n], [chars wl] [chars s]
         sl      [chars wh], #[- 16 n], [chars wh]
         ior     [chars wl], [chars wh], [chars wl]

//   Macro ADD_HALF Wd, Ws, N
//   Add 1/2 to the fixed point value in Wd, which has N fraction bits.  Ws is a
//   register that can be used as scratch and may be trashed.  The Wx arguments
//   must be working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro add_half
  /var local wd string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;register that contains the data
  /var local ws string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;scratch register
  /var local n integer = [arg 3] ;number of fraction bits in Ws
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";add 1/2 to " [ucase wd] ", which has " n " fraction bits"]

  /if [<= n 10]
    /then                    ;constant fits directly in ADD instruction
         add     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars wd] [chars s]
    /else                    ;constant is too large for ADD instruction
         mov     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars ws] [chars s]
         add     [chars wd], [chars ws], [chars wd]

//   Macro ADD_HALF32 Wh, wl, Ws, N
//   Add 1/2 to the fixed point value in Wh:Wl, which has N fraction bits.  Ws
//   is a register that can be used as scratch and may be trashed.  The Wx
//   arguments must be working register names, like "w1", "w0", etc.
/macro add_half32
  /var local wh string = [qstr [arg 1]] ;high register of 32 bit word
  /var local wl string = [qstr [arg 2]] ;low register of 32 bit word
  /var local ws string = [qstr [arg 3]] ;scratch register
  /var local n integer = [arg 4] ;number of fraction bits in Wh:Wl
  /var local s string

  /set s [str ";add 1/2 to " [ucase wh] ":" [ucase wl]]

  /if [or [< n 1] [> n 32]] then ;number of fraction bits out of range ?

  /if [> n 16] then          ;adding just to the high word ?
    /set n [- n 16]          ;fraction bits of high word
    /if [<= n 10]
      /then                  ;constant fits directly in ADD instruction
         add     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars wh] [chars s]
      /else                  ;constant is too large for ADD instruction
         mov     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars ws] [chars s]
         add     [chars wh], [chars ws], [chars wh]
//   The constant must be added to the low word with the carry added to the high
//   word.
  /if [<= n 10]
    /then                    ;constant fits directly in ADD instruction
         add     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars wl] [chars s]
    /else                    ;constant is too large for ADD instruction
         mov     #[shiftl 1 [- n 1]], [chars ws] [chars s]
         add     [chars wl], [chars ws], [chars wl]
         addc    #0, [chars wh]


//   Subroutine SHIFTL_MULT16U m
//   Shift the floating point mutliplication factor M left so that it maximally
//   fits into a 16 bit unsigned integer.  This means the shifted value will
//   always be in the range of 32768 to 65535.  The shifted value will be left
//   in the integer IM, the number of bits shifted left in SH, and SHM will be
//   set to the multiplication factor represented by SH.  The original value is
//   written to the floating point variable MULTF.
//   For example, if M is 3.14159, then it will be shifted left 14 bits since
//   that is the maximum amount and still have the value fit into a 16 bit
//   unsigned number.  In this case, IM will be 51472, SH will be 14, SHM will
//   be 16384, and MULTF 3.14159.
//   M must not be negative and must not be greater than 65535.
/subroutine shiftl_mult16u
  /var exist multf real      ;the original mult factor
  /set multf [arg 1]
  /var exist im integer      ;returned shifted value
  /var exist sh integer      ;returned number of bits shifted left
  /var exist shm real        ;mult factor implied by SH

  /if [>= multf 65535.5] then
    /show "  Argument of " multf " too large in SHIFTL_MULT16U"
         .error  "SHIFTL_MULT16U"

  /set sh 0                  ;init shift amount
  /set shm 1.0               ;init mult factor due to shift
  /if [<= multf 0.0] then
    /set im 0
    /set im [rnd [* multf shm]] ;make integer value with this shift amount
    /if [>= im 32768] then   ;found right shift amount ?
    /set sh [+ sh 1]         ;shift one more bit
    /set shm [* shm 2]       ;make mult factor for this new shift amount

//   Subroutine SCALE_CONFIG result input name
//   Compute the setup for scaling a value to produce a particular result.  The
//   scaling is set up such that the input value of INPUT results in RESULT.
//   INPUT and RESULT can be floating point values.  The actual scaling (see
//   macro SCALE, below) is performed by multiplying the 16 bit unsigned integer
//   input value by a 16 bit unsigned scale factor, leaving the result in the
//   high word of the 32 bit unsigned integer product.
//   In case a 16 bit scale factor is insufficient (RESULT > INPUT), a shift
//   count is generated that indicates how many bits to shift the result left
//   after multiply by a suitable scale factor.  In the special case of RESULT =
//   INPUT, no actual multiply will be performed.  The input value will be
//   loaded into the high word of the result.
//   This subroutine creates or sets the following variables:
//     <name>_mult
//       16 bit unsigned integer to multiply the input value by.  This will be
//       the special value of 65536 if the input value is just to be copied to
//       the output.
//     <name>_shiftl
//       Number of bits to shift the 32 bit product left by to leave the result
//       in the high word.
//   This subroutine only sets/creates preprocessor state.  It does not produce
//   any instructions.  It is intended that the SCALE macro (below) be used to
//   perform the actual scaling at run time.
/subroutine scale_config
  /var local res real = [arg 1]
  /var local inp real = [arg 2]
  /var local name string = [qstr [arg 3]]
  /var local r real          ;scratch floating point
  /var local ii integer      ;scratch integers
  /var local jj integer
  /var exist [chars name]_mult integer ;final integer mult factor
  /var exist [chars name]_shiftl integer ;bits to shift product left

  /write ";   SCALE_CONFIG " res " " inp " " name

  /set r [* [/ res inp] 65536.0] ;scale factor for result in product high word
  /set jj 0                  ;init number of bits to shift product left
    /set ii [rnd r]          ;make integer mult factor
    /if [<= ii 65536] then   ;mult factor is within range ?
    /set r [/ r 2]           ;shift mult factor right one bit
    /set jj [+ jj 1]         ;shift product left one bit to compensate
    /endloop                 ;back to check new mult factor
//   II is the integer mult factor and JJ is the number of bits to shift the
//   product left after the multiply.
  /set [chars name]_mult ii  ;save final values
  /set [chars name]_shiftl jj

//   Macro SCALE Wn name [RES32]
//   Perform scaling of the 16 bit unsigned integer in Wn according to the
//   configuration set up by subroutine SCALE_CONFIG, above.
//   Wn is the name of the general register containing the input value.  This
//   can be any register W0 - W13.  The scaled result is left in the high word
//   of the odd:even register pair that Wn is part of.  The low word is trashed.
//   For example, if the first argument is W3, then the input is in W3, the
//   result will be in W3, and W2 is trashed.  If the first argument is W4, then
//   the input is in W4, the result in W5, and W4 is trashed.
//   Wn is raw characters, not a string.  It must be "W" followed by a integer
//   value 0 thru 15.
//   NAME is the same name passed to the SCALE_CONFIG subroutine.  This is also
//   raw characters, not a string.
//   The optional argument "RES32" specifies that the result should be a 32 bit
//   value in the full high:low register pair.  The result in the high register
//   is still the same, but the low register will have valid additional lower
//   bits.  "RES32" is case-insensitive.
/macro scale
  /var local wn string = [qstr [arg 1]]
  /var local name string = [qstr [arg 2]]
  /var local win integer     ;W register number of input value
  /var local wsc integer     ;W register number of scale factor
  /var local wlo integer     ;W register number of low word of pair
  /var local whi integer     ;W register number of high word of pair
  /var local s string        ;scratch string
  /var local ok bool         ;no error found
  /var local shl integer = [chars name]_shiftl ;bits to shift product left
  /var local res32 bool = false ;result in full 32 bit register pair

  /set s [ucase [qstr [arg 3]]] ;get optional third argument string
  /if [<> [slen s] 0] then   ;third argument exists ?
    /if [<> s "RES32"] then  ;unrecognized ?
      /show "Invalid parameter: """ s """"
         .error  "Arg 3"
    /set res32 true          ;indicate to create 32 bit result

  /write ";   SCALE " wn ", " name [if res32 ", res32" ""]
  /write ";"

    /set ok false            ;init to Wn parameter is not valid
    /if [<> [ucase [sindx 1 wn]] "W"] then
    /set s [substr 2 [- [slen wn] 1] wn] ;extract what should be W reg number
    /if [not [isint [chars s]]] then
    /set win [chars s]       ;get input register number
    /if [or [< win 0] [> win 13]] then ;W number out of range ?
    /set ok true             ;WIN is the input W register number
  /if [not ok] then
    /show "Invalid W register designator """ wn """"
         .error  "Wn"

  /set wlo [and win [~ 1]]   ;make number of low register of pair
  /set whi [+ wlo 1]         ;make number of high register of pair
  /set wsc whi               ;init mult factor register number to high word
  /if [= wsc win] then       ;input is in high word ?
    /set wsc wlo             ;switch scale factor to low word
//   Do the raw scaling so that the scaled result is in WHI.
  /if [= [chars name]_mult 65536]
    /then                    ;special case of input = output ?
      /if [<> win whi] then  ;input not already in output position ?
         mov     w[v win], w[v whi] ;copy input value to scaled output
      /if [<> shl 0] then    ;need to shift result ?
         sl      w[v whi], #[v shl], w[v whi] ;shift result to make final value
      /if res32 then         ;create 32 bit result ?
         mov     #0, w[v wlo] ;set low bits of result
    /else                    ;need to perform actual scaling ?
         mov     #[v [chars name]_mult], w[v wsc] ;get scale factor
         mul.uu  w[v win], w[v wsc], w[v wlo] ;do the multiply
      /if [<> shl 0] then    ;need to shift result ?
         sl      w[v whi], #[v shl], w[v whi] ;move high bits into place
        /if res32
          /then              ;create 32 bit result
         push    w[v wlo]    ;temp save original low word
         lsr     w[v wlo], #[- 16 shl], w[v wlo] ;position low contribution into high word
         ior     w[v whi], w[v wlo], w[v whi] ;assemble final high word
         pop     w[v wlo]    ;restore original low word of product
         sl      w[v wlo], #[v shl], w[v wlo] ;shift low word into place
          /else              ;only need 16 bit result in high word
         lsr     w[v wlo], #[- 16 shl], w[v wlo] ;position low bits in low word
         ior     w[v whi], w[v wlo], w[v whi] ;assemble final result in high word

;   Macro INTR_PRIORITY reg, bit, prio
;   Set the interrupt priority field in register REG to PRIO.  PRIO must be 0-7.
;   BIT is the number of the LSB of the priority field within REG.  Valid values
;   for BIT are 0, 4, 8, and 12.
;   W0 and W1 are trashed.
.macro intr_priority reg, bit, prio
         mov     \reg, w0    ;get the existing priority register value
         mov     #(0xF << \bit)^0xFFFF, w1 ;get inverse mask for priority field
         and     w0, w1, w0  ;mask off existing priority value
         mov     #((\prio & 0xF) << \bit), w1 ;get new priority in position
         ior     w0, w1, w0  ;merge in new priority field value
         mov     w0, \reg    ;update priority register with the new value

//   Subroutine FP48_MAKE val
//   Converts VAL to 48 bit floating point.  VAL must be convertable to a
//   preprocessor floating point value.  The integer preprocessor variables
//   FP48_EXP and FP48_MANT are set to the exponent word and mantissa,
//   respectively.
//   The exponent word is 16 bits wide with the high bit being the overall sign
//   bit.  0 is positive and 1 negative.  The low 15 bits of the exponent word
//   are the power of 2 exponent to apply to the mantissa value plus 16384.  For
//   example, if the low 15 bits have a value of 16385, then 2^1 is to be
//   applied to the mantissa value.  Likewise, 16381 specifies to apply 2^-3.
//   The mantissa is 32 bits wide.  Its value is as if the binary point and then
//   a 1 bit were immediately to its left.  For example, the mantissa value of
//   3456789Ah is to be interpreted as the hexadecimal fixed point value
//   1.3456789A, which has a decimal value of about 1.204444.  The mantissa
//   value is therefore always from 1 up to but not including 2.
//   The overal floating point value is the mantissa value times the power of 2
//   indicated by the exponent, and the sign indicated by the high bit of the
//   exponent word.
//   The special case of 0 is represented by all 48 bits 0.
/subroutine fp48_make
  /var exist fp48_exp integer
  /var exist fp48_mant integer

  /var local val real = [arg 1]
  /var local neg bool        ;overal value is negative
  /var local exp integer     ;power of 2 exponent
  /var local man1 integer    ;mantissa low 16 bits
  /var local man2 integer    ;mantissa high 16 bits

  /if [= val 0.0] then       ;special case of 0 ?
    /set fp48_exp 0
    /set fp48_mant 0

  /set neg [< val 0.0]       ;negative ?
  /set val [abs val]         ;work with the positive value from now on

  /set exp 0                 ;init exponent of 2 (multiplier = 1)
  /block                     ;make smaller exponent to adjust value up
    /if [>= val 1.0] then    ;large enough
    /set val [* val 2.0]
    /set exp [- exp 1]
  /block                     ;make larger exponent to adjust value down
    /if [< val 2.0] then     ;small enough ?
    /set val [/ val 2.0]
    /set exp [+ exp 1]

  /set val [* val 65536.0]
  /set man2 [trunc val]      ;make high 16 mantissa bits
  /set val [- val man2]      ;remove the high 16 bits value
  /set val [* val 65536.0]
  /set man1 [rnd val]        ;make low 16 mantissa bits
  /if [> man1 16#FFFF] then  ;low 16 bits overflowed ?
    /set man2 [+ man2 [shiftr man1 16]] ;move excess to high word
    /set man1 [and man1 16#FFFF]
  /if [> man2 16#1FFFF] then ;high 16 bits overflowed ?
    /set man1 [shiftr man1 1] ;shift mantissa right one bit
    /set man1 [or [shiftl [and man2 1] 15]]
    /set man2 [shiftr man2 1]
    /set exp [+ exp 1]       ;adjust exponent to account for the shift
  /set man2 [and man2 16#FFFF] ;mask in only the bits to save
  /set fp48_mant [or [shiftl man2 16] man1] ;assemble the mantissa

  /set fp48_exp [+ exp 16384]
  /if neg then
    /set fp48_exp [or fp48_exp 16#8000] ;set the negative bit

//   Subroutine GET_WN Wn, var
//   Interpret the Wn register reference argument and set the variable VAR to N.
//   VAR must the name of a existing integer variable.
//   A runtime error results if Wn is not a valid register reference.
/subroutine get_wn
    /if [< [slen [qstr [arg 1]]] 2] then ;too short to be valid ?
    /if [<> [ucase [sindx 1 [qstr [arg 1]]]] "W"] then ;doesn't start with "W"
    /set [arg 2] [chars [substr 2 99 [qstr [arg 1]]]]
    /if [or [> [arg 2] 15] [< [arg 2] 0]] then

  /show "  """ [qstr [arg 1]] """ is not a valid Wn register argument."
         .error  "Bad Wn"

//   Macro PGMADR Wn, label
//   Load the registers Wn+1:Wn with the program memory address of the indicated
//   label.  The upper unused bits are guaranteed to be 0.
/macro pgmadr
  /var local wn integer      ;number of W register from Wn argument

  /call get_wn [arg 1] wn    ;get Wn register number
  /if [> wn 13] then         ;past last valid register number ?
    /show "  Out of range register number in PGMADR macro."
         .error  "Bad Wn"

         mov     #tbloffset([arg 2]), w[v wn] ;load address
         mov     #tblpage([arg 2]), w[+ wn 1]
         and     #0x00FF, w[+ wn 1] ;remove control bits, make pure address

//   Macro FPLOAD Wn, fpval
//   Load the floating point constant FPVAL in 32 bit fast format into the
//   register pair starting at Wn.  N must be in the range of 0 to 13, which
//   allows the register pairs from W1:W0 to W14:W13 to be loaded.  This macro
//   specifically refuses to load W15 (the stack pointer).
/macro fpload
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local wok bool = false ;init to Wn argument not OK
  /var local wn integer      ;number of W register from Wn argument
    /var local s = [qstr [arg 1]] ;make target register Wn string
    /if [< [slen s] 2] then  ;Wn arg too short to be valid ?
    /if [<> [ucase [sindx 1 s]] "W"] then ;check first char of Wn argument
    /var local ns = [substr 2 [- [slen s] 1] s] ;extract W number string]
    /set wn [chars ns]       ;integer value of first W register number
    /if [< wn 0] then        ;below range ?
    /if [> wn 13] then       ;above range ?
    /set wok true            ;Wn argument OK, have W register number

  /if [not wok] then         ;problem with Wn argument ?
    /show "  Invalid Wn argument to FPLOAD."
         .error  "Bad Wn"
  /var local fp real = [arg 2] ;get the floating point value
  /var local s string        ;scratch string for assembling line to write
  /set s [str "         mov     #0x" [substr 7 4 [qstr [fp32f fp]]] ", w" wn]
  /set s [str s " ;load " [fp fp "sig 6 mxl 6 mxr 6"]]
  /set s [str s " into W" [+ wn 1] ":W" wn]
  /write s
         mov     #0x[chars [substr 3 4 [qstr [fp32f fp]]]], w[+ wn 1]

//   Macro FPPUT Wn, var
//   Write the floating point value starting in Wn into memory starting at VAR.
/macro fpput
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local wok bool = false ;init to Wn argument not OK
  /var local wn integer      ;number of W register from Wn argument
    /var local s = [qstr [arg 1]] ;make target register Wn string
    /if [< [slen s] 2] then  ;Wn arg too short to be valid ?
    /if [<> [ucase [sindx 1 s]] "W"] then ;check first char of Wn argument
    /var local ns = [substr 2 [- [slen s] 1] s] ;extract W number string]
    /set wn [chars ns]       ;integer value of first W register number
    /if [< wn 0] then        ;below range ?
    /if [> wn 14] then       ;above range ?
    /set wok true            ;Wn argument OK, have W register number
  /if [not wok] then         ;problem with Wn argument ?
    /show "  Invalid Wn argument to FPPUT."
         .error  "Bad Wn"
         mov     w[v wn], [arg 2]+0
         mov     w[+ wn 1], [arg 2]+2

//   Macro FPGET var, Wn
//   Get the floating point value from memory starting at VAR into the registers
//   starting at Wn.
/macro fpget
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local wok bool = false ;init to Wn argument not OK
  /var local wn integer      ;number of W register from Wn argument
    /var local s = [qstr [arg 2]] ;make target register Wn string
    /if [< [slen s] 2] then  ;Wn arg too short to be valid ?
    /if [<> [ucase [sindx 1 s]] "W"] then ;check first char of Wn argument
    /var local ns = [substr 2 [- [slen s] 1] s] ;extract W number string]
    /set wn [chars ns]       ;integer value of first W register number
    /if [< wn 0] then        ;below range ?
    /if [> wn 14] then       ;above range ?
    /set wok true            ;Wn argument OK, have W register number
  /if [not wok] then         ;problem with Wn argument ?
    /show "  Invalid Wn argument to FPGET."
         .error  "Bad Wn"
         mov     [arg 1]+0, w[v wn]
         mov     [arg 1]+2, w[+ wn 1]

//   Macro [label] EEWORD val, ... val
//   Define one or more consecutive EEPROM words.  If present, LABEL will be
//   defined as the label for the first word.  The preprocessor constants
//   LASTEE and NEXTEE will be updated to be the word offset into the EEPROM of
//   the last defined and next location, respectively.  These offsets start at 0
//   and increment by 1 each word (16 bits).  This is different from the program
//   memory addresses that will be assigned to the label, if present.
/var new nextee integer = 0  ;external word address of next EEPROM location
/var new lastee integer = [- nextee 1] ;external word adr of last defined EEPROM loc

/macro eeword
  /var local s string = ""

  /if [exist -1 arg] then
[arg -1]:
    /show "  EEPROM " [int nextee "fw 3 base 16 lz"] ": " [qstr [arg -1]]
  /var local argn integer = 1 ;init number of next word value argument
    /if [not [exist argn arg]] then ;exhausted the word arguments ?
    /if [> [slen s] 0] then
      /set s [str s ", "]
    /set s [str s [qstr [arg argn]]]
    /set lastee nextee
    /set nextee [+ nextee 1]
    /set argn [+ argn 1]
         .word   [chars s]

//   Macro [label] FPWORDS fp
//   Define two successive 16 bit words that have the floating point value FP
//   when interpreted in 32 bit fast floating point format.  This macro is
//   intended for defining floating point constants in EEPROM.  It expands to
//   two EEWORD invocations in least to most significant word order.
/macro fpwords
  /var local fp real = [arg 1] ;get the floating point value
  /var local ifp integer = [fp32f_int fp] ;FP bits as 32 bit integer
  /var local ifpl integer = [and ifp 16#FFFF] ;low word
  /var local ifph integer = [shiftr ifp 16] ;high word
  /var local s string = ""

  /write ""

  /set s [str ";FP " [fp fp "sig 6 mxl 6 mxr 6"]]
         [chars s]

  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /set s [str [qstr [arg -1]] " "]
    /if [>= [slen s] 9] then
    /set s [str s " "]

  /set s [str s "eeword  "]
  /set s [str s "0x" [int ifpl "fw 4 base 16 lz"]]
  /set s [str s ", 0x" [int ifph "fw 4 base 16 lz"]]
[chars s]

//   Macro WAITCY n
//   Causes a wait of N instruction cycles.  This is not accurate for timing
//   unless it can be guaranteed that no interrupt will occur during the wait
//   time.  There is no guarantee exactly what instructions are emitted, only
//   that they will take N cycles and not cause any state changes.
//   Nothing is done when N is less then or equal to 0.
/macro waitcy
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local n integer = [arg 1]
  /var local s string

  /if [<= n 0] then
    /quitmac                 ;nothing to do ?
  //   Write the first line with comment showing the wait time.
  /call tabopcode s
  /set s [str s "nop"]
  /call startcomm s
  /set s [str s "wait " [eng [/ n freq_inst]] "s (" n " cycles)"]
  /write s
  /set n [- n 1]
  //   Write the remaining wait lines, if any.
    /if [> n 0] then
      /set n [- n 1]

//   Macro BUSYWAIT time [, cycles]
//   Causes a busy-wait for time TIME minus CYCLES instruction cycles.  TIME is
//   in units of seconds.  Explicit code will be written that wastes the
//   indicated time, so this macro should only be used for very short waits.
//   The total wait time is rounded to the nearest whole instruction cycles.
/macro busywait
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local time real = [arg 1] ;time to wait in seconds
  /var local mincy integer = 0
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set mincy [arg 2]
  /var local cy integer      ;final number of instructions to wait

  /set cy [rnd [* time freq_inst]] ;instructions to wait due to TIME
  /set cy [- cy mincy]       ;minus CYCLES
         waitcy  [v cy]      ;write the instructions to do the wait

//   Macro MINWAIT time [, cycles]
//   Causes a busy-wait for at least TIME seconds.  CYCLES is the number of
//   instruction cycles that have already been spent or will be spent outside
//   this macro towards the wait time.  The default for CYCLES is 0.
//   This macro is like BUSYWAIT, except that it always waits at least the
//   specified time, not rounded to the nearest number of instruction cycles.
/macro minwait
  /if [exist -1 arg] then
    /show "  Dumb place for a label, moron."
    /show "  The " [ucase [qstr [arg 0]]] " macro does not support a label."
         .error  "Label"
  /var local time real = [arg 1] ;time to wait in seconds
  /var local mincy integer = 0
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set mincy [arg 2]
  /var local cy integer      ;number of instructions to wait

  /set cy [trunc [+ [* time freq_inst] 0.999]] ;total cycles to wait
  /set cy [- cy mincy]       ;minus cycles already waited
         waitcy  [v cy]      ;write the instructions to do the wait

;   Macro WAITNOP n
;   Write instructions that do nothing for the next N instruction cycles.
;   Nothing is done if N <= 0.
.macro waitnop n
  .if \n >> 23
         .exitm              ;abort if N is negative
.rept    \n

//   Macro WAITSEC seconds
//   Wait the indicated amount of time.  This is a convenience wrapper around
//   the standard WAITMS subroutine in the CLOCK module.  The actual wait will
//   be rounded to the nearest millisecond, and limited to 65.535 seconds.
//   W0 is trashed.
/macro waitsec
  /var local sec real = [vnl [arg 1]] ;time to wait in seconds
  /var local ms integer      ;wait time in milliseconds, 0-65535 limit

  /set sec [max 0.0 [min 65.535 sec]] ;clip to valid wait range
  /set ms [rnd [* sec 1000.0]] ;make wait time in ms

         mov     #[v ms], w0 ;pass number of 1 ms ticks to wait
         gcall   waitms      ;do the wait

;   Macro ALLOC name [, size [, align]]
;   Allocate space in the current section and define the label NAME as the first
;   address of the allocated space.  SIZE is the number of address increments to
;   allocate.  This is in bytes if allocating in a data section.  The default
;   SIZE is 2.  ALIGN is the minimum required starting alignment multiple of the
;   allocated space.  The default ALIGN is 1 for SIZE of 1 or less and 2 for
;   SIZE of 2 or more.
.macro alloc name, size=2, align=-1

.set     align\@, \align
  .if align\@ == -1          ;using default alignment ?
    .if \size <= 1
.set     align\@, 1          ;use byte alignment for bytes
.set     align\@, 2          ;use word alignment for words or larger

         .align  align\@
  .if \size
\name:   .skip   \size

;   Macro ALLOCG name [, size [, align]]
;   Like macro ALLOC (above) except that NAME is declared global.  The
;   C30-compatible version of the name is also created and exported.  This
;   allows C30 code to reference NAME directly as a externally defined global
;   variable.
.macro allocg name, size=2, align=-1

.set     align\@, \align
  .if align\@ == -1          ;using default alignment ?
    .if \size <= 1
.set     align\@, 1          ;use byte alignment for bytes
.set     align\@, 2          ;use word alignment for words or larger

         .align  align\@
  .if \size
\name:   .skip   \size
         .global _\name, \name

//   Subroutine ALIGN_ADR adr align var
//   Align the address ADR to the alignment rule ALIGN and write the result to
//   variable VAR.  ADR will be increased as necessary so that it is a multiple
//   of ALIGN.  This means the resulting value written to VAR will be ADR plus 0
//   to ALIGN-1.
//   ADR and ALIGN must be integer values, and VAR the bare name of a integer
//   variable (not a string of the variable name).  VAR will be created if it
//   does not already exist.
/subroutine align_adr
  /var local adr integer = [arg 1]
  /var local align integer = [arg 2]
  /var local mult integer
  /var exist [arg 3] integer

  /set mult [div [+ adr align -1] align]
  /set [arg 3] [* align mult]

//   Subroutine STRUCT_START
//   Start the definition of a memory structure with named fields.  After this
//   routine is called, the FIELD macro can be invoked any number of times to
//   define successive fields in the structure.
//   After this call and every FIELD macro the following state is updated:
//     STRUCT_ALIGN  -  The minimum alignment byte multiple of the structure.
//       This is initialized to 1, and updated to the largest ALIGN parameter
//       each FIELD invocation.
//     STRUCT_OFFSET  -  Offset from the beginning of the structure where the
//       next field can start.  The next field will start at this offset or
//       later, depending on alignment requirements.  Fields with alignment 1
//       will always start exactly at the current STRUCT_OFFSET.
//     STRUCT_SIZE  -  Aligned size of the structure.  This is STRUCT_OFFSET
//       padded to STRUCT_ALIGN alignment.  Put another way, if a array of these
//       structures were created, this is the amount of memory that would be
//       reserved per array element.  The total array size would be STRUCT_SIZE
//       times the number of elements.
/subroutine struct_start
  /var exist struct_align integer
  /var exist struct_offset integer
  /var exist struct_size integer
  /var exist struct_defalign integer
  /set struct_align 0
  /set struct_offset 0
  /set struct_size 0
  /set struct_defalign 2     ;default self-align size

//   [name] Macro FIELD [size [, align]]
//   Macro FIELD [name] [, size [, align]]
//   Define one more field in a structure.
//   NAME will be defined as the offset from the start of the structure to the
//   start of the new field.  Subroutine STRUCT_START must be called once to
//   initialize creating the structure, then this macro invoked to define each
//   field.
//   NAME is normally provided as the label before the macro name.  However, for
//   backward compatibility with old versions, NAME is the first argument when
//   there is no label preceeding the macro name.
//   SIZE is the size of the field in bytes.  It defaults to 2, meaning the
//   default field is a 16 bit word.
//   ALIGN is the minimum required address alignment of the field.  Addresses
//   will be skipped as necessary so that the offset of the field is a multiple
//   of ALIGN.  The default alignment is 2 (field starts on a 16 bit word
//   boundary) for SIZE values of 2 or more.  The default alignment is 1 for
//   SIZE values of 1 or less.
/macro field
  /var local name string
  /var local size integer = 2
  /var local align integer
  /var local narg integer    ;number of next argument

  /if [exist -1 arg]
    /then                    ;NAME supplied as label
      /set name [qstr [arg -1]]
      /set narg 1
    /else                    ;NAME supplies as first argument
      /set name [qstr [arg 1]]
      /set narg 2

  /if [exist narg arg] then
    /set size [arg [1+ narg]]

  /set align [if [< size struct_defalign] 1 struct_defalign]
  /if [exist narg arg] then
    /set align [arg [1+ narg]]

  /set struct_align [max struct_align align] ;update alignment of whole structure

  /call align_adr [v struct_offset] [v align] struct_offset
  /const [chars name] integer = struct_offset
.equiv   [chars name], [v struct_offset]

  /set struct_offset [+ struct_offset size]
  /call align_adr [v struct_offset] [v struct_align] struct_size

//   Subroutine BAUD_SETUP30 baud
//   Compute the baud rate setup of a old style 30F UART.  These do not have the
//   high speed mode that the newer enhanced UARTs do.
//   The following preprocessor variables are set:
//     UART_BRG  -  UART baud rate divisor register.
//     UART_BAUD  -  Actual resulting baud rate.
//     BAUD_ERR  -  Error fraction of actual baud rate compared to ideal.
//   These variables are created if not previously defined.
/subroutine baud_setup30
  /var local baudr real = [arg 1]
  /var exist uart_brg integer
  /var exist uart_baud real
  /var exist baud_err real
  /var exist baud_time real
  /var local bdiv integer    ;baud rate divisor depending on low/high speed mode
  /var local errp real       ;baud rate error in percent

  /set bdiv 16               ;this UART only has a single speed mode
  /set uart_brg [- [rnd [/ freq_inst [* baudr bdiv]]] 1]
  /set uart_brg [if [> uart_brg 65535] 65535 uart_brg] ;clip to max value

  /set uart_baud [/ freq_inst [* [+ uart_brg 1] bdiv]] ;actual baud rate
  /set baud_time [/ 1 uart_baud] ;time per bit, seconds
  /set baud_err [/ [- uart_baud baudr] baudr] ;baud rate error fraction
  /set errp [* baud_err 100] ;baud rate error percent

  /show "  " [eng uart_baud 4] "baud, " [eng baud_time] "s/bit, " [fp errp "sig 0 rit 2 pl zb"] "% error"

//   Subroutine BAUD_SETUP baud
//   Compute the baud rate setup of a enhanced UART.  These have a high speed
//   mode that the original 30F UART did not.
//   The following preprocessor variables are set:
//     UART_BRG  -  UART baud rate divisor register.
//     BAUD_MODE  -  Baud rate control bits for the UART MODE register.  Only
//       bits relevant to baud rate generation are set with the remainder 0.
//       This value is intended to be ORed with the other control bits to form
//       the value written to the MODE register.
//     UART_BAUD  -  Actual resulting baud rate.
//     BAUD_ERR  -  Error fraction of actual baud rate compared to ideal.
//   These variables are created if not previously defined.
/subroutine baud_setup
  /var local baudr real = [arg 1]
  /var exist uart_brg integer
  /var exist baud_mode integer
  /var exist uart_baud real
  /var exist baud_err real
  /var local bdiv integer    ;baud rate divisor depending on low/high speed mode
  /var local bfast bool      ;using high speed mode
  /var local errp real       ;baud rate error in percent

  /set bdiv 4                ;first try high speed mode
  /set bfast True
  /set uart_brg [- [rnd [/ freq_inst [* baudr bdiv]]] 1]
  /if [> uart_brg 65535] then ;try low speed mode ?
    /set bdiv 16             ;divisor for low speed mode
    /set bfast False
    /set uart_brg [- [rnd [/ freq_inst [* baudr bdiv]]] 1]
    /set uart_brg [if [> uart_brg 65535] 65535 uart_brg] ;clip to max value

  /set uart_baud [/ freq_inst [* [+ uart_brg 1] bdiv]] ;actual baud rate
  /set baud_err [/ [- uart_baud baudr] baudr] ;baud rate error fraction
  /set errp [* baud_err 100] ;baud rate error percent
  /if bfast
      /set baud_mode 2#0000000000001000 ;set bit for high speed baud rate mode
      /set baud_mode 2#0000000000000000 ;set bit for low speed baud rate mode

  /show "  Baud rate " [rnd uart_baud] ", error " [fp errp "sig 0 rit 2 pl zb"] "%"

//   Macro SELECT_OUTPIN n, id
//   Configure the RPn pin to the peripheral output identified by ID.  N must be
//   the 0-63 remappable pin number, and ID must be the ID of the peripheral
//   output to map to that pin.  Only the selection for the indicated pin is
//   changed.  Other selections in the same register are preserved.
//   WARNING:  W0, W1 are trashed.
/macro select_outpin
  /var local rpn integer = [arg 1] ;0-N remappable pin number
  /var local regn integer = [div rpn 2] ;0-N RPORn register number
  /var local low bool = [= 0 [and rpn 1]] ;field is in low half of RPORn register
  /if low
    /then                    ;field is in low byte of RPORn register
         mov     #Rpor[v regn]+0, w1 ;point W1 to byte to modify
    /else                    ;field is in high byte of RPORn register
         mov     #Rpor[v regn]+1, w1 ;point W1 to byte to modify
         mov     #[arg 2], w0 ;get peripheral ID
         mov.b   w0, [w1] [chars ";select output peripheral for RP" rpn " pin"]

;   Macro SELECT_INPIN n, rpinreg
;   Set a remappable input pin selection.  N is the 0-N RPn pin number that will
;   be used as input for the peripheral function.  RPINREG is the byte address
;   of the register for that peripheral input function select.  This would be
;   RPINRx register address for the low byte, and that address plus 1 for the
;   high byte.
;   WARNING: W0 and W1 are trashed.
.macro select_inpin n, rpinreg
         mov     #\rpinreg, w1 ;point to the byte register
         mov     #\n, w0     ;get the pin number
         mov.b   w0, [w1]    ;stuff the pin number into the register

//   Subroutine CAN_TIMING bitrate
//   Determine the CAN bit timing.  CAN bits are divided into time segments,
//   each defined in terms of the number of time quanta.  The length of time
//   quanta is determined by the CAN input clock and the baud rate divider
//   setup.  We require a minimum of 9 time quanta per bit.  The maximum allowed
//   is 25 time quanta per bit.  The time quanta budget for a bit is allocated
//   between the various bit segments as follows:
//     Sync  -  Always 1.
//     Propagation  -  1-8, we require at least 2.
//     Phase1  -  1-8, we require at least 3.
//     Phase2  -  2-8, we require at least 3.
//   The desired CAN bit rate in Hz is passed as argument 1, which must be
//   convertable to floating point.  The input frequency in Hz to the CAN baud
//   rate generator must be previously set in FCANCLK.
//   This subroutine sets the following preprocessor variables:
//     TQBIT  -  Number of time quanta per whole bit, 9-25
//     TQPROP  -  Time quanta per propagation segment, 2-8
//     TQPH1  -  Time quanta per phase 1 segment, 3-8
//     TQPH2  -  Time quanta per phase 2 segment, 3-8
//     BDIV  -  Baud rate divisor to make time quanta rate, 1-64
//     FERR  -  CAN bit frequency error fraction
/subroutine can_timing
  /var local bitrate real = [arg 1] ;desired bit rate, Hz
  /if [not [exist "debug_cancfg"]] then
    /const debug_cancfg bool = false

  /var exist tqbit integer   ;time quanta per whole bit, 9-25
  /var exist tqprop integer  ;time quanta per propagation segment, 2-8
  /var exist tqph1 integer   ;time quanta per phase 1 segment, 3-8
  /var exist tqph2 integer   ;time quanta per phase 2 segment, 3-8
  /var exist bdiv integer    ;Fosc/2 divider to make time quanta rate, 1-64
  /var exist canrate real    ;actual CAN bit frequency, Hz
  /var exist ferr real       ;CAN bit frequency error fraction

  /var local ii integer      ;scratch integers
  /var local jj integer
  /var local r real          ;scratch floating point
  /var local r2 real
  /var local r3 real
  /var local s1 string       ;scratch strings
  /var local s2 string
  /var local s3 string
//   Determine the bit rate setup.  The TQ frequency is (FCANCLK/2)/BDIV, with
//   BDIV constrained to 1-64.  The BDIV value resulting in the smallest
//   frequency error will be chosen, within the constraint that there must be
//   9 to 25 time quanta per bit.
  /set bdiv 0                ;init to no usable BDIV value found
  /set ii 1                  ;init trial BDIV value
  /set ferr 1.0              ;init to large frequency error so far
  /block                     ;back here to try each new possible BDIV value
    /set r [/ fcanclk [* 2 ii]] ;TQ frequency for the divisor value in II
    /set jj [rnd [/ r bitrate]] ;best whole time quanta per bit for this divisor
    /set jj [if [<= jj 25] jj 25] ;clip to max usable value
    /set jj [if [>= jj 9] jj 9] ;clip to min usable value
    /set r2 [/ r jj]         ;resulting actual bit frequency
    /set r3 [/ [abs [- bitrate r2]] bitrate] ;make error fraction
    /if [< r3 ferr] then     ;this is lower error than previous best ?
      /set tqbit jj          ;save time quanta per bit
      /set bdiv ii           ;save this baud rate divisor value
      /set canrate r2        ;save actual CAN bit rate of this config
      /set ferr r3           ;save error fraction of this configuration
    /if debug_cancfg then    ;show results from individual BDIV choices ?
      /show "  BDIV " [int ii "fw 2"] " TQBIT " [int jj "fw 2"] " err " [fp [* r3 100] "fw 6 zb mxl 9 rit 2"] "%"
    /set ii [+ ii 1]
    /if [<= ii 64] then
    /if debug_cancfg then

  /set s1 [str [eng bitrate 4] "Hz"] ;bit rate string
  /set s2 [str [eng fcanclk 4] "Hz"] ;CAN clock frequency string
  /if [> ferr 0.015] then    ;bit rate error too large to work ?
    /show "  ERROR: Bit rate of " s1 " not possible with CAN clock of " s2 "."
         .error  "CAN bit rate"
  /if [> ferr 0.0085] then   ;error more than half allotted total of 1.7%
    /show "  WARNING: High CAN bit rate error from desired."

  /set s1 [str [eng canrate 4] "Hz"] ;actual CAN bit rate string
  /set s2 [str [eng fcanclk 4] "Hz"] ;CAN clock frequency string
  /set s3 [fp [* ferr 100] "sig 1 mxl 6 rit 2"] ;bit frequence error in percent
  /show "  CAN clock " s2 ", bit freq " s1 " (" s3 "% err), " tqbit " TQ/bit"
//   The bit rate setup has been determined.  There are TQBIT time quanta per
//   bit, which is guaranteed to be in the range of 9 to 25.
//   Now divvy up the time quanta to the various segements of the bit time.
  /set tqprop 2              ;set the configurable segments to their minimum durations
  /set tqph1 3
  /set tqph2 3
  /set ii [- tqbit [+ 1 tqprop tqph1 tqph2]] ;left over availabe TQs.

  /block                     ;back here until all TQs are assigned
    /if [< tqprop 8] then
      /set tqprop [+ tqprop 1] ;one more TQ for propagation segment
      /set ii [- ii 1]
      /if [<= ii 0] then
    /if [< tqph1 8] then
      /set tqph1 [+ tqph1 1] ;one more TQ for phase 1 segment
      /set ii [- ii 1]
      /if [<= ii 0] then
    /if [< tqph2 8] then
      /set tqph2 [+ tqph2 1] ;one more TQ for phase 2 segment
      /set ii [- ii 1]
      /if [<= ii 0] then

  /show "  Total TQ " tqbit ": Sync 1, Prop " tqprop ", Phase1 " tqph1 ", Phase2 " tqph2


//   Macro DISPATCH [table [, maxind]]
//   Dispatch thru a table based on the value in W0.
//   TABLE is the start address of the table.  Each table entry is one
//   instruction word long, and contains the address to jump to for that table
//   entry.  The first table entry corresponds to a W0 value of 0, the second to
//   a value of 1, etc.  If the TABLE parameter is not supplied, then the table
//   must immediately follow this macro.
//   MAXIND is the maximum W0 entry that corresponds to a table entry.  Put
//   another way, it is the number of table entries minus 1.  If W0 contains a
//   value greater than MAXIND, then no jump is taken and execution proceeds to
//   immediately after this macro.  If MAXIND is omitted, then the table is
//   always indexed and the caller must ensure there is a valid table entry for
//   all possible values of W0.
//   All registers are preserved to the dispatched routine or the fall-thru
//   code.
/macro dispatch
  /var local maxind integer = 16#FFFF
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set maxind [arg 2]

         ;   Dispatch to specific routine based on the value in W0.
         add     #4, w15     ;make room on stack for the jump address
         push    w1          ;save register that will be trashed

  /if [<> maxind 16#FFFF] then
         mov     #[v maxind], w1 ;get max valid dispatch value
         cp      w0, w1
         bra     gtu, [lab outrange] ;index is out of range of the table ?

         push    w2          ;save additional register that will be trashed
  /if [exist 1 arg]
    /then                    ;table address was supplied
         mov     #tbloffset([arg 1]), w1 ;get table address into W2:W1
         mov     #tblpage([arg 1]), w2
    /else                    ;table is implied to be immediately after this macro
         mov     #tbloffset([lab after]), w1 ;get table address into W2:W1
         mov     #tblpage([lab after]), w2
         and     #0x7F, w2   ;remove control bits sometimes left by TBLPAGE
         add     w1, w0, w1  ;add 2x index to make the table entry address
         addc    #0, w2
         add     w1, w0, w1
         addc    #0, w2
         mov     w2, Tblpag  ;set high bits of program memory address to fetch

         tblrdl  [w1], w2    ;fetch low word of jump address
         mov     w2, [w15-8] ;write it to the stack
         tblrdh  [w1], w2    ;fetch high word of jump address
         mov     w2, [w15-6] ;write it to the stack
         pop     w2          ;restore the trashed registers
         pop     w1
         return              ;jump to the address written onto the stack

  /if [<> maxind 16#FFFF] then
[lab outrange]:              ;index value is out of range of the table
         pop     w1          ;restore trashed register
         sub     #4, w15     ;remove placeholder for jump address from the stack

[lab after]:                 ;first address after this macro

//   Subroutine WRITE_PUSH fnam
//   Sets output file writing to go to the file FNAM.  The writing of this file
//   is announced on standard output.  Call WRITE_POP to stop writing this file
//   and pop back to the previous output file.
/subroutine write_push
  /show "  Writing """ [arg 1] """"
  /writepush [arg 1]

//   Subroutine WRITE_POP
//   Close the current output file, pop back to the previous output file.  This
//   undoes what subroutine WRITE_PUSH did.
/subroutine write_pop

//   Subroutine PARSE_CMD var [suff]
//   Parse the contents of the constant or variable VAR.  VAR must be of data
//   type STRING.  The contents of VAR is:
//     n [entpnt]
//   N is a 0 to 255 decimal integer indicating the opcode value of a command.
//   ENTPNT is the name of the entry point to the command routine.  When ENTPNT
//   is not present, the entry point name is derived from the variable name.  In
//   that case the name of VAR must be "cmd_xxx".  The entry point name is
//   interpreted to be "cm_xxx".
//   The optional SUFF parameter is a unique string added to the fixed part of
//   the variable name.  The fixed part of the variable name is cmd_<suff>_,
//   which is removed from the variable name to make the default entry point
//   name.  With a variable name "cmd_xyz_abc" and SUFF "_xyz", the default
//   entry point name is "cm_abc", not "cm_xyz_abc".
//   This subroutine sets two variables:
//     OPC  -  Integer.  Opcode value.
//     ENTPNT  -  String.  Command routine entry point name.
//   OPC and ENTPNT are created if they do not already exist.
//   For exampe, if this routine is called with constant "cmd_abcd" containing
//   "5", then OPC will be 5 and ENTPNT "cm_abcd".  If the constant contains
//   "13 send_blork", then OPC will be 13 and ENTPNT "send_blork".
/subroutine parse_cmd
  /var exist opc integer //make sure return values exist
  /var exist entpnt string
  /var local vname string = [qstr [arg 1]] //get variable or constant name
  /var local vnam string = [sym vname name] //make bare var or const name
  /var local vstr string = [vnl [chars vname]] //get input string
  /var local pref string = [str "cmd" [qstr [arg 2]] "_"] //fixed var name prefix
  /var local p integer = 1 //parse index
  /var local tk string //token parsed from input string

  /call string_token [v vstr] p tk //get opcode token
  /set opc [chars tk]

  /if [> p [slen vstr]] then //no ENTPNT token ?
    /block //block to abort out of on error
      /set tk [substr 1 [slen pref] vnam]
      /if [<> tk pref] then //name doesn't start with "cmd_" ?
      /set tk [substr [+ [slen pref] 1] 99 vnam]
      /if [< [slen tk] 1] then //nothing after "cmd_" ?
      /set entpnt [str "cm_" tk] //make full default entry point name
    /show "  Bad name """ vname """ passed to PARSE_CMD."
         .error  "Bad var/const name"

  /call string_token [v vstr] p tk //get ENTPNT token
  /if [<= p [slen vstr]] then //extra tokens in string ?
    /show "  Extra token in variable or constant """ vname """".
    /show "  String is """ vstr """".
         .error  "Extra token"
  /set entpnt tk

//   Function CmdRef ent
//   Returns TRUE iff the entry point ENT is referenced as a command routine.
//   The ENT parameter is a sequence of characters, not a string.
//   Commands are defined by variables or constants named "cmd_xxx".  A
//   additional name can be inserted after "cmd_".  This is necessary, for
//   example, when there are multiple command processors with different command
//   sets.  The constant or variable SUFF denotes this additional part of the
//   CMD_ symbol names, if present and not set to the empty string.  In that
//   case, the variable or constants defining commands are named "cmd<suff>_xxx"
//   where <suff> indicates the contents of the SUFF variable or constant.
/function CmdRef
  /var local ent string = [qstr [arg 1]] //entry point name checking for
  /var local opc integer //command opcode
  /var local entpnt string //command routine entry point name
  /var local retval bool //function return value
  /var local ii integer //scratch integer
  /var local tk string //scratch token
  /if [not [exist "suff:vcon"]] then
    /var local suff string

  /set tk [str "cmd" suff "_"] //starting fixed part of CMD_xxx names
  /set ii [slen tk] //length of fixed part of CMD_xxx names
  /loop symbols sym vcon
    /var local sy string
    /set sy [sym sym name]
    /if [<= [slen sy] ii] then
    /if [<> [substr 1 ii sy] tk] then
    /call parse_cmd [chars sym] [chars suff] //get entry point of this command
    /if [= entpnt ent] then
      /set retval True

  /funcval retval

//   Function Command entpnt
//   Returns TRUE if the entry point ENTPNT is referenced as a command routine,
//   otherwise FALSE.  When returning TRUE, the entry point of the command is
//   defined.  ENTPNT is a sequence of characters, not a string.
/function Command
  /if [CmdRef [arg 1]]
      /funcval TRUE
         glbent  [arg 1]
      /funcval FALSE

//   Subroutine EXPORT_RSP
//   Export all the RSP_ constants from the preprocessor to the assembler
//   environment.  All preprocessor integer constants with names starting with
//   "rsp_" will have assembler constants defined of the same name and value.
/subroutine export_rsp
  /loop symbols sym const //loop over all constants
    /var local sy string
    /if [<> [sym sym dtype] "INTEGER"] then //not integer ?
    /if [<> [substr 1 4 sym] "rsp_"] then //doesn't start with "rsp_" ?
    /set sy [sym sym name] //get bare symbol name
    /if [<= [slen sy] 4] then //too short to be "rsp_x" ?
.equiv   [chars sy], [v [chars sym]]

//   Macro START_TASK name
//   Start a new task.  Several symbols must exist:
//     STACKSZ_name  -  Size of net task's stack, bytes.
//     STACK_name  -  Start of stack area for the new task.
//     name_TASK_START  -  Execution start point of the new task.
//   W13 and W14 are trashed.
/macro start_task
  /write "         ;   Start " [ucase [qstr [arg 1]]] " task."
  /write "         ;"
         mov     #[v stacksz_[arg 1]], w13 ;pass stack size
         mov     #stack_[arg 1], w14 ;pass start address of stack
         call    task_new    ;create the new task
         goto    [arg 1]_task_start ;start point of the new task

//   Macro YIELD_CHECK
//   Check for whether the current task should yield now, and yield if so.  The
//   check for needing to yield is fast, so this macro can be called in an
//   inner loop.  It will only take significant time when it actually yields.
//   When a yield is required, TASK_YIELD is called to perform the yield.  Only
//   the registers listed in TSKSAVE will be preserved.
//   It is an error to use this macro when the yield check mechanism of the TASK
//   module is not in use.
/macro yield_check
  /if [not [exist "skip_nyieldnow:macro"]] then
    /show "  YIELD_CHECK used without the yield check mechanism enabled"
         .error  YIELD_CHECK

         skip_nyieldnow      ;don't need to yield yet ?
         call    task_yield  ;do need to yield, do it

//   Macro LOAD32 Wn, val
//   Load the value VAL into Wn+1:Wn.  Loading into W15 (the stack pointer) is a
//   error.
/macro load32
  /var local val integer = [arg 2]
  /var local wn integer
  /var local s string

  /call get_wn [arg 1] wn    ;get register number
  /if [>= wn 14] then        ;includes W15 ?
    /show "  LOAD32 to stack pointer is not allowed."
         .error  "LOAD32 W15"

  /call tabopcode s
  /set s [str s "mov"]
  /call taboperand s
  /set s [str s "#0x" [int [and val 16#FFFF] "fw 4 lz base 16 usin"] ", w" wn]
  /call startcomm s
  /set s [str s val " (" [int val "base 16 usin"] "h) --> W" [+ wn 1] ":W" wn]
  /write s

  /set s ""
  /call tabopcode s
  /set s [str s "mov"]
  /call taboperand s
  /set s [str s "#0x" [int [shiftr val 16] "fw 4 lz base 16 usin"] ", w" [+ wn 1]]
  /write s

//   Function FX3F29U val
//   Converts the value VAL to its unisgned fixed point 3.29 format
//   representation.  The function value is a 32 bit hexadecimal integer
//   expressed in Embed format (16#xxx).
/function fx3f29u
  /var local val real = [vnl [arg 1]] //input argument
  /var local ii integer //integer value of resulting fixed point

  /set val [max 0.0 val] //clip to min possible value
  /if [< val 7.99999]
      /set val [* val 8388608]
      /set ii [rnd val]
      /set ii [shiftl ii 6]
      /funcval "16#" [int ii "fw 8 lz base 16 usin"]
      /funcval "16#FFFFFFFF"

;   Timer setup and manipulation.

//   Subroutine TIMER_SEC time
//   Computes the setup of a timer to achive TIME seconds period.  The following
//   preprocessor variables are set, or created if they do not exist:
//     TIMER_PER (real)  -  Actual resulting period in seconds.
//     TIMER_PERCY (integer)  -  Actual resulting period in instruction cycles.
//     TIMER_TICK (real)  -  Seconds for one count of the timer.
//     TIMER_CNT (integer)  -  Period in timer counts, will be 0-65536.
//     TIMER_PRE (integer)  -  Prescaler divide value: 1, 8, 64, or 256.
//     TIMER_TCKPS (integer)  -  The prescaler selection field value in the
//       position it is in in the TxCON timer control register.  All other bits
//       are 0.
/subroutine timer_sec
  /var local time real = [vnl [arg 1]] ;desired timer period, seconds
  /var exist timer_per real
  /var exist timer_percy integer
  /var exist timer_tick real
  /var exist timer_cnt integer
  /var exist timer_pre integer
  /var exist timer_tckps integer

  //   Find TIMER_PRE and TIMER_CNT.  The lowest possible prescaler value will
  //   be used such that the timer count fits into the available 16 bits.
  //   TIMER_TCKPS is set to the prescaler selection field value corresponding
  //   to the chosen TIMER_PRE value.
    /set timer_pre 1         ;try with prescaler of 1
    /set timer_tckps 0
    /set timer_cnt [rnd [/ [* freq_inst time] timer_pre]]
    /if [<= timer_cnt 65536] then
    /set timer_pre 8         ;try with prescaler of 8
    /set timer_tckps 1
    /set timer_cnt [rnd [/ [* freq_inst time] timer_pre]]
    /if [<= timer_cnt 65536] then
    /set timer_pre 64        ;try with prescaler of 64
    /set timer_tckps 2
    /set timer_cnt [rnd [/ [* freq_inst time] timer_pre]]
    /if [<= timer_cnt 65536] then
    /set timer_pre 256       ;try with prescaler of 256
    /set timer_tckps 3
    /set timer_cnt [rnd [/ [* freq_inst time] timer_pre]]
    /if [<= timer_cnt 65536] then
    /show "  Unable to achieve the timer period of " time " seconds."
         .error  "  Timer period too long."
  /set timer_tckps [shiftl timer_tckps 4] ;move prescaler selection field into place
  //   The configuration has been found.  TIMER_PRE is the prescaler divide
  //   factor, and TIMER_CNT the timer 1-65535 timer period.
  /set timer_percy [* timer_pre timer_cnt] ;instruction cycle in timer period
  /set timer_tick [/ timer_pre freq_inst] ;seconds for one timer count
  /set timer_per [/ timer_percy freq_inst] ;final resulting period in seconds

;   Macro TIMER_PERIOD timer, cycles
;   *** Deprecated.  Use TIMER_SEC in new code ***
;   Compute the period setup parameters for timer TIMER so that its period comes
;   as close as possible to CYCLES instruction cycles.  This macro only computes
;   values and does not emit any executable code.  The parameter TIMER must be
;   an integer indicating the number of the timer to compute the setup values
;   for.  An error is generated if the period is out of range for the hardware
;   to achieve.
;   The following assembly variables are set:
;     VAL_PR  -  PRn register value to achieve the desired period.
;     VAL_TCKPS  -  TCKPS field value in the TnCON control register for the
;       timer.  This field controls the prescaler divide value.
;     VAL_PRESCALE  -  Actual presscaler divide value selected by VAL_TCKPS.
;     VAL_PERIOD  -  Actual period resulting from the computed setup in units of
;       instruction cycles.  This may not be exactly the same as CYCLES if the
;       prescaler divide value is greater than 1.
;     VAL_TnCON  -  Timer control register value for periodic ticks as
;       specified.
;   The lowest possible prescaler divide value is used such that the VAL_PR is
;   within the range of the period register.
.macro timer_period timer, cycles

.set     val_prescale, 1     ;init prescaler divide value to smallest possible
.set     val_tckps, 0        ;init prescaler select field to match divide value
.set     val_pr, ((((\cycles * 2) / val_prescale) + 1) >> 1) - 1

  .if val_pr & ~0xFFFF       ;need larger prescaler ?
         .set    val_prescale, 8
         .set    val_tckps, 1
         .set    val_pr, ((((\cycles * 2) / val_prescale) + 1) >> 1) - 1
  .if val_pr & ~0xFFFF       ;need larger prescaler ?
         .set    val_prescale, 64
         .set    val_tckps, 2
         .set    val_pr, ((((\cycles * 2) / val_prescale) + 1) >> 1) - 1
  .if val_pr & ~0xFFFF       ;need larger prescaler ?
         .set    val_prescale, 256
         .set    val_tckps, 3
         .set    val_pr, ((((\cycles * 2) / val_prescale) + 1) >> 1) - 1
  .if val_pr & ~0xFFFF       ;need larger prescaler ?
         .print  "Timer period can not be achieved"
         .fail   0
.set     val_period, (val_pr + 1) * val_prescale ;compute final instructions per period

.set     val_t&timer&con, 0b1010000000000000 | (val_tckps << 4)
                 ;          -X-XXXXXX------X  unused bits
                 ;          1---------------  enable the timer
                 ;          --1-------------  turn off timer in idle mode
                 ;          ---------0------  disable timer gate
                 ;          ----------00----  prescaler select, VAL_TCKPS will be merged in
                 ;          ------------0---  do not make part of 32 bit timer (type B only)
                 ;          -------------0--  do not sync external clock (type A only)
                 ;          --------------0-  clock source is intruction clock

//   Subroutine TIMER_REGS n
//   Identify specific registers and bits used for the timer N.  The following
//   variables are create if not previously existing, and are set:
//     TIMER_TYPE (string)  -  The overall timer type, "A", "B", or "C"
//     TIMER_IFN (integer)  -  Number of the IFSn and IECn registers containing
//       the interrupt flag and enable bits, respsectively.
//     TIMER_IPCN (integer)  -  Number of the IPCn register containing the
//       the interrupt priority for this timer.
//     TIMER_IPC_BIT (integer)  -  Low bit of the interrupt priority field
//       within the IPCn register.
/subroutine timer_regs
  /var local n integer = [vnl [arg 1]] ;1-N timer number

  /var exist timer_type string //make sure the return values exist
  /var exist timer_ifn integer
  /var exist timer_ipcn integer
  /var exist timer_ipc_bit integer

  /pick one by n             ;which timer is it ?
  /option 1
    /set timer_type "A"
    /set timer_ifn 0
    /set timer_ipcn 0
    /set timer_ipc_bit 12
  /option 2
    /set timer_type "B"
    /set timer_ifn 0
    /set timer_ipcn 1
    /set timer_ipc_bit 12
  /option 3
    /set timer_type "C"
    /set timer_ifn 8
    /set timer_ipcn 2
    /set timer_ipc_bit 0
  /option 4
    /set timer_type "B"
    /set timer_ifn 11
    /set timer_ipcn 6
    /set timer_ipc_bit 12
  /option 5
    /set timer_type "C"
    /set timer_ifn 12
    /set timer_ipcn 7
    /set timer_ipc_bit 0
  /option 6
    /set timer_type "B"
    /set timer_ifn 2
    /set timer_ipcn 11
    /set timer_ipc_bit 12
  /option 7
    /set timer_type "C"
    /set timer_ifn 3
    /set timer_ipcn 12
    /set timer_ipc_bit 0
  /option 8
    /set timer_type "B"
    /set timer_ifn 3
    /set timer_ipcn 12
    /set timer_ipc_bit 12
  /option 9
    /set timer_type "C"
    /set timer_ifn 3
    /set timer_ipcn 13
    /set timer_ipc_bit 0
    /show "  Timer " n " is not supported in TIMER_REGS"
         .error  "Timer N"

//   Subroutine TIMER_SETUP_PER n per
//   Set up timer N to trigger with a regular period of PER seconds.  The timer
//   will be reset and started at the start of a period.  The interrupt state
//   and flag bits associated with the timer are not altered.  If a periodic
//   interrupt is desired, then this must be separately enabled after this
//   subroutine.
//   The following preprocessor constants are set:
//     TIMER_PER (real)  -  Actual resulting period in seconds.
//     TIMER_PERCY (integer)  -  Actual resulting period in instruction cycles.
//     TIMER_TICK (real)  -  Seconds for one count of the timer.
//     TIMER_CNT (integer)  -  Period in timer counts, will be 0-65536.
//     TIMER_PRE (integer)  -  Prescaler divide value: 1, 8, 64, or 256.
//   The preprocessor variables created/set by TIMER_REGS (above) will also be
//   available after a call to this subroutine.
//   W0 is trashed.
/subroutine timer_setup_per
  /var local n integer = [vnl [arg 1]] ;1-N timer number
  /var local per real = [vnl [arg 2]] ;desired period, seconds

  /call timer_regs n         ;determine which registers used by this timer
  /call timer_sec per        ;compute timer period configuration

  /write "         ;"
  /write "         ;   Set up timer " n " for " [eng timer_per 4] "s period and start it running."
  /write "         ;"
         clr     T[v n]con   ;make sure the timer is off for now
         clr     Tmr[v n]    ;reset the timer value to 0
         mov     #[- timer_cnt 1], w0
         mov     w0, Pr[v n] ;set timer period

  /pick one by timer_type
  /option "A"
         mov     #0b1000000000000000 | [v timer_tckps], w0
                 ;  1--------------- enable the timer
                 ;  -X-------------- unused
                 ;  --0------------- continue in idle mode, not used
                 ;  ---XXXXXX------- unused
                 ;  ---------0------ not gated input mode
                 ;  ----------XX---- prescaler, filled in from TIMER_TCKPS
                 ;  ------------X--- unused
                 ;  -------------0-- do not sync to clock, not used with internal clock
                 ;  --------------0- clock source is instruction clock
                 ;  ---------------X unused
         mov     w0, T[v n]con ;configure and enable the timer
  /option "B"
         mov     #0b1000000000000000 | [v timer_tckps], w0
                 ;  1--------------- enable the timer
                 ;  -X-------------- unused
                 ;  --0------------- continue in idle mode, not used
                 ;  ---XXXXXX------- unused
                 ;  ---------0------ not gated input mode
                 ;  ----------XX---- prescaler, filled in from TIMER_TCKPS
                 ;  ------------0--- not merge with next timer for 32 bits wide
                 ;  -------------X-- unused
                 ;  --------------0- clock source is instruction clock
                 ;  ---------------X unused
         mov     w0, T[v n]con ;configure and enable the timer
  /option "C"
         mov     #0b1000000000000000 | [v timer_tckps], w0
                 ;  1--------------- enable the timer
                 ;  -X-------------- unused
                 ;  --0------------- continue in idle mode, not used
                 ;  ---XXXXXX------- unused
                 ;  ---------0------ not gated input mode
                 ;  ----------XX---- prescaler, filled in from TIMER_TCKPS
                 ;  ------------XX-- unused
                 ;  --------------0- clock source is instruction clock
                 ;  ---------------X unused
         mov     w0, T[v n]con ;configure and enable the timer


;   Global 1-bit named flags.

;   Macro SETFLAG flag
;   Set the flag defined by a /FLAG preprocessor directive.
.macro setflag flag
         bset    flag_&flag&_reg, #flag_&flag&_bit

;   Macro CLRFLAG flag
;   Clear the flag defined by a /FLAG preprocessor directive.
.macro clrflag flag
         bclr    flag_&flag&_reg, #flag_&flag&_bit

;   Macro SKIP_FLAG flag
;   Skip the next instruction if the flag defined by a /FLAG preprocessor
;   directive is set.
.macro skip_flag flag
         btss    flag_&flag&_reg, #flag_&flag&_bit

;   Macro SKIP_NFLAG flag
;   Skip the next instruction if the flag defined by a /FLAG preprocessor
;   directive is clear.
.macro skip_nflag flag
         btsc    flag_&flag&_reg, #flag_&flag&_bit

//   Defines the storage for all the flag bits.  These go in words named GFL0 to
//   GFLn, according to how many flags are defined.  The flags are placed in
//   their own linker section in near memory.  The preprocessor creates the
//   constant Flagdata_nwords to indicate how many words are required to hold
//   all the flags.
/macro flags_define
  /var local word integer    ;0-N GFLn word number

  /if [not [exist "Flagdata_nwords"]] then
    /const Flagdata_nwords integer = 0;

.section .near_flags, bss, near

  /if [or using_c30 using_xc16] then
         .align  2

  /set word -1               ;init to before first word
  /block                     ;back here each new word
    /set word [+ word 1]     ;make 0-N number of this word
    /if [>= word Flagdata_nwords] then
    /if [or using_c30 using_xc16] then
_gfl[v word]:
alloc    gfl[v word], 2, 2
    /if [or using_c30 using_xc16]
         .global _gfl[v word], gfl[v word]
         .global gfl[v word]

//   Macro FLAGS_CLEAR
//   Write executable code to clear all the /FLAG flag bits to 0.
/macro flags_clear
  /var local word integer    ;0-N GFLn word number

  /if [not [exist "Flagdata_nwords"]] then
    /const Flagdata_nwords integer = 0;

  /set word -1               ;init to before first word
  /block                     ;back here each new word
    /set word [+ word 1]     ;make 0-N number of this word
    /if [>= word Flagdata_nwords] then
         clr     gfl[v word]

//   Subroutine GET_FLAG_DATA name gflN bitN
//   The call arugments are the expansion of a Flagdata_flagN constant.  The
//   value of the fields will be written to FLAG_NAME, FLAG_WORD, and FLAG_BIT.
/subroutine get_flag_data
  /var exist flag_name string
  /var exist flag_word integer
  /var exist flag_bit integer
  /set flag_name [qstr [arg 1]]
  /set flag_word [arg 2]
  /set flag_bit [arg 3]

;   Writing ASM state to .H files.

//   Subroutine WRITE_C_FLAGS [fnam]
//   Writes all the global one-bit flags defined with /FLAG to a H file so that
//   they are accessible from C code.
//   If FNAM is supplied, then a file of that name is opened, the C code written
//   to it, then closed.  If FNAM is not supplied, then the C code is written to
//   the current output file.  FNAM must be a string expression, if supplied.

//   Local subroutine CLOSE_FLAG_DEF
//   Closes a partially written flags word data type definition.  BITS is the
//   number of bits defined in the word being closed.
/subroutine close_flag_def
  /block                     ;define all the unused bits
    /if [>= bits 16] then    ;all bits defined ?
    /write "  unsigned : 1;"
    /set bits [+ bits 1]     ;count one more bit defined
  /write "  } flags_gfl" word "_t;"
  /set wclosed True

//   Start of code for WRITE_C_FLAGS
/subroutine write_c_flags
  /var local flag integer    ;1-N flag number
  /var local word integer    ;0-N GFLn word number
  /var local bits integer    ;scratch bits counter
  /var local wclosed bool    ;last GFLn word definition has been closed
  /var local flag_name string
  /var local flag_word integer
  /var local flag_bit integer
  /var local wfile bool      ;write to new file, not existing stream

  /if [exist 1 arg]
      /call write_push [arg 1]
      /set wfile true
      /set wfile false
//   Write the struct data types for each flags word.
  /set flag 0                ;init to before first flag
  /set word -1               ;init to before first flags word
  /set wclosed true          ;init to previous GFLn data type closed

  /block                     ;back here each new flag
    /set flag [+ flag 1]     ;make 1-N number of this flag
    /if [> flag Flagdata_nflags] then
    /call get_flag_data [chars Flagdata_flag[chars flag]]

    /if [<> flag_word word] then ;this flag starts a new word ?
      /if [not wclosed] then ;not finished definition of previous word ?
        /call close_flag_def ;close the partially written definition
      /set word flag_word    ;switch to new flags word number
      /write "typedef struct {"
      /set bits 0            ;init number of bits written in this new word
    /write "  unsigned " flag_name ": 1;"
    /set wclosed False       ;definition of this word not closed yet
    /set bits [+ bits 1]     ;count one more bit defined in this word

  /if [not wclosed] then     ;not finished definition of previous word ?
    /call close_flag_def     ;close the partially written definition
//   Declare all the GFLn variables.  The data type for each was defined above.
  /write                     ;blank line before this section
  /set word -1               ;init to before first flags word

  /block                     ;back here each new flags word
    /set word [+ word 1]     ;make 0-N number of this word}
    /if [>= word Flagdata_nwords] then
    /write "extern volatile flags_gfl" word "_t gfl" word ";"
//   Write the string substitution macros for accessing each flag just by its
//   name.
  /write                     ;blank line before this section
  /set flag 0                ;init to before first flag

  /block                     ;back here each new flag
    /set flag [+ flag 1]     ;make 1-N number of this flag
    /if [> flag Flagdata_nflags] then
    /call get_flag_data [chars Flagdata_flag[chars flag]]
    /write "#define flag_" flag_name " gfl" flag_word "." flag_name

  /if wfile then             ;close output file if one was created

//   Subroutine WRITE_C_MACHINE [fnam]
//   Writes the data type definitions that are specific to the machine and the
//   C30 or XC16 compiler.
//   If FNAM is supplied, then a file of that name is opened, the C code written
//   to it, then closed.  If FNAM is not supplied, then the C code is written
//   to the current output file.  FNAM must be a string expression, if supplied.
/subroutine write_c_machine
  /var local wfile bool      ;write to new file, not existing stream

  /if [exist 1 arg]
      /call write_push [arg 1]
      /set wfile true
      /set wfile false

#define false 0
#define true 1
#define NIL (0)
typedef  unsigned char int8u_t;
typedef  signed  char int8s_t;
typedef  unsigned short int16u_t;
typedef  signed  short int16s_t;
typedef  unsigned long int32u_t;
typedef  signed  long int32s_t;
typedef  unsigned int machine_intu_t;
typedef  signed  int machine_ints_t;
typedef  unsigned int machine_bool_t;
typedef  unsigned short machine_intptr_t;

  /if wfile then             ;close output file if one was created

//   Subroutine WRITE_C_CONST name
//   Write the numeric preprocessor constant as a C #define statement.  The NAME
//   parameter is the raw name characters, not a string.  NAME may be a
//   qualified name (contain symbol type and version).
/subroutine write_c_const
  /var local name string = [sym [qstr [arg 1]] qual] ;fully qualified symbol name
  /var local nc string
  /var local s string
  /var local l integer

  /if [= [sym name type] ""] then
    /if [= name ""] then
      /set name [qstr [arg 1]]
    /show "  Preprocessor symbol """ name """ does not exist"
         .error  "  WRITE_C_CONST"
  /if [<> [sym name type] "CONST"] then
    /show "  Preprocessor symbol """ name """ is not a constant"
         .error  "  WRITE_C_CONST"

  /set nc [sym name NAME]    ;init C symbol name to prepic symbol name
  /set l [slen nc]           ;length of symbol name
  /set s [substr [- l 1] 2 nc] ;extract the last two name chars
  /if [<> s "_k"] then       ;doesn't end in "_k" ?
    /set nc [str nc "_k"]    ;make sure the C name does

  /if [= [sym name dtype] "INTEGER"] then
    /write "#define " nc " (" [chars name] ")"

  /if [= [sym name dtype] "BOOL"] then
    /write "#define " nc " (" [lcase [chars name]] ")"

  /if [= [sym name dtype] "REAL"] then
    /write "#define " nc " (" [chars name] ")"


//   Subroutine WRITE_C_CONSTS [fnam]
//   Writes all the preprocessor constants with numeric values as C #define
//   statements.
//   If FNAM is supplied, then a file of that name is opened, the C code written
//   to it, then closed.  If FNAM is not supplied, then the C code is written to
//   the current output file.  FNAM must be a string expression, if supplied.
/subroutine write_c_consts
  /var local wfile bool      ;write to new file, not existing stream

  /if [exist 1 arg]
      /call write_push [arg 1]
      /set wfile true
      /set wfile false

  /loop symbols sy const
    /call write_c_const [chars sy]

  /if wfile then             ;close output file if one was created

//   Subroutine WRITE_C_CONSTS_PREF_INT pref
//   Write all the integer preprocessor constants that start with the preface
//   PREF in C syntax to the output file.  PREF is a string.
/subroutine write_c_consts_pref_int
  /var local pref string = [arg 1] ;prefix matching constants must start with
  /var local plen integer = [slen pref] ;length of the required prefix
  /var local sym string      ;bare constant symbol name

  /loop symbols sy const     ;loop over all preprocessor constants
    /if [not [= [sym sy dtype] "INTEGER"]] then ;ignore if not integer
    /set sym [sym sy name]   ;get bare symbol name
    /if [<= [slen sym] plen] then ;symbol name too short ?
    /if [not [= [substr 1 plen sym] pref]] then ;doesn't start with prefix ?
    /call write_c_const [chars sym] ;write this constant to output file

//   Subroutine WRITE_C_IOPINS [fnam]
//   Exports the symbolic I/O pin definitions in C.
//   If FNAM is supplied, then a file of that name is opened, the C code written
//   to it, then closed.  If FNAM is not supplied, then the C code is written to
//   the current output file.  FNAM must be a string expression, if supplied.
/subroutine write_c_iopins
  /var local port string     ;lower case a-z port name
  /var local portu string    ;lower case A-Z port name
  /var local portn integer   ;1-26 number of port name letter
  /var local bit integer     ;0-15 bit number within port
  /var local def bool        ;at least one I/O bit defined in current port
  /var local pdata string    ;name of Portdata_<port><bit> variable
  /var local ii integer      ;scratch integer
  /var local wfile bool      ;write to new file, not existing stream

  /if [exist 1 arg]
      /call write_push [arg 1]
      /set wfile true
      /set wfile false

  /set portn 0               ;init to before first port letter
  /block                     ;back here each new port
    /set portn [+ portn 1]   ;make 1-26 number of letter for this port
    /if [> portn 26] then
    /set port [char [+ [ccode "a"] portn -1]] ;make lower case port name letter
    /set portu [ucase port]  ;make upper case port name letter
//   Check that anything is defined for this port.  If not, skip it and go on to
//   the next port.
    /set def false           ;init to no I/O bits in this port
    /set bit 0               ;init to first bit within port
    /block                   ;back here each new bit in this port
      /set pdata [str "Portdata_" port bit] ;make full name of Portdata constant
      /if [exist pdata] then ;this I/O pin has been given a name ?
        /set def true
      /set bit [+ bit 1]     ;advance to next bit in this port
      /if [> bit 15] then    ;done with whole port ?
      /repeat                ;back and do next bit in this port

    /if [not def] then       ;no named bits in this port ?
      /repeat                ;skip this port, on to next
//   Write the data type definition for this port.
    /write "typedef struct {"

    /set bit 0               ;init to first bit within port
    /block                   ;back here each new bit in this port
      /set pdata [str "Portdata_" port bit] ;make full name of Portdata constant
      /if [exist pdata]
        /then                ;this I/O pin has been given a name
          /call get_port_data [chars [chars pdata]]
          /write "  unsigned " iobit_name ": 1;"
        /else                ;this I/O pin has not been given a explicit name
          /write "  unsigned : 1;"

      /set bit [+ bit 1]     ;advance to next bit in this port
      /if [> bit 15] then    ;done with whole port ?
      /repeat                ;back and do next bit in this port

    /write "  } ioport_" port "_t;"
    /write "extern volatile ioport_" port "_t PORT" portu ";"
    /write "extern volatile ioport_" port "_t LAT" portu ";"
//   Write the macros for each named pin in this port.  These allow manipulation
//   of the I/O pin without having to know which port it is in.
    /set bit -1              ;init to before first bit number
    /block                   ;back here each new bit in this port
      /set bit [+ bit 1]     ;make 0-N number of this bit
      /if [> bit 15] then    ;done all bits
      /set pdata [str "Portdata_" port bit] ;make full name of Portdata constant
      /if [not [exist pdata]] then
        /repeat              ;this bit does not have a symbolic name, skip it
      /call get_port_data [chars [chars pdata]] ;get info about this bit

      /if iobit_out
        /then                ;this is a output pin
          /set ii [if iobit_pos 1 0]
          /write "#define set_" iobit_name "_on() do {LAT" portu "." iobit_name "=" ii ";} while(0)"
          /set ii [if iobit_pos 0 1]
          /write "#define set_" iobit_name "_off() do {LAT" portu "." iobit_name "=" ii ";} while(0)"
        /else                ;this is a input pin
          /write "#define " iobit_name "_pin PORT" portu "." iobit_name

      /repeat                ;back and do next bit in this port

    /repeat                  ;back to do next I/O port
    /endblock                ;done with all I/O ports

  /if wfile then             ;close output file is one was created

;   Subroutine linkage and gloabl entry points.
;   By convention, subroutines preserve the general registers W0 - W14 and trash
;   status bits and other related state unless explicitly documented to the
;   contrary.
;   Create the REGF0 - REGF14 flag bits.  These can be ORed together to indicate
;   an arbitrary set of W0 - W14 registers.
.irp     ii,     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
         .equiv  regf\ii, 1 << \ii

;   Mask of all registers trashed by C subroutines:
.equiv   regf_ctrash, regf0 | regf1 | regf2 | regf3 | regf4 | regf5 | regf6 | regf7

;   Macro PUSHREGS regflags
;   Push the indicated registers W0-W14 onto the stack.  REGFLAGS is the mask of
;   the registers to push.  Bit 0 set indicates to push W0, bit 1 set to push
;   W1, etc.  Registers are pushed in W0 to W14 order.
.macro pushregs regflags
.irp     ii,     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
  .if (\regflags) & (1 << \ii)
         push    w\ii

;   Macro POPREGS regflags
;   Pop the indicated registers off the stack.  REGFLAGS is the mask of the
;   selected registers in the same format as for macro PUSHREGS, above.  This
;   macro undoes what PUSHREGS did if the same REGFLAGS value is passed to both.
;   The registers are popped in W14 to W0 order.
.macro popregs regflags
.irp     ii,     14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
  .if (\regflags) & (1 << \ii)
         pop     w\ii

;   Macro ENTER [regflags]
;   Perform standard subroutine entry.
;   REGFLAGS is the logical OR of any combination of REGF0 - REGF14 to indicate
;   which of the general registers W0 - W14 are to be automatically saved on the
;   stack.  The appropriate PUSH instructions will be emitted, and the mask of
;   pushed registers is saved in the assembler variable SAVEDREGS.  The
;   registers will be pushed in low to high register number order.
;   The default value for REGFLAGS is zero, meaning no registers are pushed onto
;   the stack.
.macro enter regflags = 0
         pushregs \regflags
.set     savedregs, \regflags

;   Macro SAVEREGS regflags
.macro saveregs regflags
         pushregs \regflags
.set     savedregs, \regflags

;   Macro POPSAVED
;   Pop saved registers from the stack.
;   The registers indicated by SAVEDREGS are popped.  SAVEDREGS is usually set
;   by the GLBSUB macro at the beginning of a subroutine.  The POPSAVED macro
;   allows those registers to be popped without having to know the explicit list
;   of registers.
.macro popsaved
         popregs savedregs

;   Macro LEAVE [regflags]
;   Perform standard subroutine exit.  This macro is intended to be used
;   together with ENTER at the beginning of the subroutine.
;   REGFLAGS is the logical OR of any combination of REGF0 - REGF14 to indicate
;   which of the general registers W0 - W14 are to be automatically restored
;   from the stack.  The appropriate POP instructions will be emitted in high to
;   low register number order.
;   The default value for REGFLAGS is zero, meaning no registers are popped from
;   the stack.
.macro leave regflags = 0
         popregs \regflags

;   Just like LEAVE except that the registers indicated by SAVEDREGS are
;   automatically restored.  SAVEDREGS should have been set by the ENTER macro
;   to the routine being left.
.macro leaverest
         leave   savedregs

//   Like LEAVEREST, but checks for needing to yield after the registers are
//   restored from the stack.  If so, TASK_YIELD is called.  Only the registers
//   listed in TSKSAVE are preserved.
/macro leavecheck
         popregs \regflags
         yield_check         ;check for time to yield and yield if so

;   Macro GLBSUB name, [regflags]
;   Define the entry point of a globally callable subroutine.  NAME is the name
;   the subroutine will be called by.  REGFLAGS indicates which registers to
;   automatically save on the stack.  See the ENTER macro description for
;   details.
.macro glbsub name, regflags = 0
\name:                       ;define the entry point label
.global  \name               ;declare the label global
         enter   \regflags   ;perform standard subroutine entry

;   Macro GLBSUBC name, [regflags]
;   Like GLBSUB except that the entry point name will be decorated so that it
;   can be called from C30 or XC16.  This macro should be used when the
;   subroutine is only intended for C, with possibly a different version
;   (defined with GLBSUB) for use by assembly code.
.macro glbsubc name, regflags = 0
_\name:                      ;define the C entry point label
.global  _\name              ;declare the label global
         enter   \regflags   ;perform standard subroutine entry

;   Macro GLBSUBD name, [regflags]
;   Like GLBSUB and GLBSUBC put together (the D stands for "dual").  Entry point
;   names will be defined so that NAME can be used directly from assembler and
;   C30 or XC16 to reference this subroutine.  This macro can only be used if
;   the routine is directly compatible with C, adhering to all C calling
;   conventions.
.macro glbsubd name, regflags = 0
\name:                       ;define the assembler entry point label
_\name:                      ;define the C30 entry point label
.global  \name,  _\name      ;declare the labels global
         enter   \regflags   ;perform standard subroutine entry

;   Macro LOCSUB name, regflags
;   Define the entry point of a local subroutine.  NAME is the name the
;   subroutine will be called by.  REGFLAGS indicates which registers to
;   automatically save on the stack.  See the ENTER macro description for
;   details.
.macro locsub name, regflags = 0
\name:                       ;define the entry point label
         enter   \regflags

;   Macro LOCENT name
;   Define a generic local entry point.  NAME is the name of the entry point.
.macro locent name
\name:                       ;define the entry point label

//   [label] Macro GLBLAB [name]
//   Define a global label.  No extra instructions for debugger skidding will be
//   generated.
//   The label can either be defined with LABEL or NAME.  Exactly one of these
//   must exist.
/macro glblab
  /var local lab string
  /var local labex bool

  /if [exist -1 arg] then //LABEL was provided ?
    /set lab [qstr [arg -1]] //save the label name
    /set labex true //indicate LABEL was found
  /if [exist 1 arg]
    /then //NAME was provided
      /if labex then
        /show "  GLBLAB macro invoked with both leading label and trailing name."
         .error  "GLBLAB"
      /set lab [qstr [arg 1]] //save label name
    /else //NAME was not provided
      /if [not labex] then
        /show "  GLBLAB macro invoked without any label."
         .error  "GLBLAB"
[chars lab]:
.global  [chars lab]

//   [label] Macro GLBENT [name]
//   Like GLBLAB, except that extra NOPs for debugger skidding is added after
//   the entry point if debugging with a ICD is enabled.
/macro glbent
  /var local lab string
  /var local labex bool

  /if [exist -1 arg] then //LABEL was provided ?
    /set lab [qstr [arg -1]] //save the label name
    /set labex true //indicate LABEL was found
  /if [exist 1 arg]
    /then //NAME was provided
      /if labex then
        /show "  GLBLAB macro invoked with both leading label and trailing name."
         .error  "GLBLAB"
      /set lab [qstr [arg 1]] //save label name
    /else //NAME was not provided
      /if [not labex] then
        /show "  GLBLAB macro invoked without any label."
         .error  "GLBLAB"
[chars lab]:
.global  [chars lab]

//   [label] Macro GLBLABD [name]
//   Define a global label.  No extra instructions for debugger skidding will be
//   generated.  If using C, then the C-visible version of the label will also
//   be defined.
//   The label can either be defined with LABEL or NAME.  Exactly one of these
//   must exist.
/macro glblabd
  /var local lab string
  /var local labex bool

  /if [exist -1 arg] then //LABEL was provided ?
    /set lab [qstr [arg -1]] //save the label name
    /set labex true //indicate LABEL was found
  /if [exist 1 arg]
    /then //NAME was provided
      /if labex then
        /show "  GLBLABD macro invoked with both leading label and trailing name."
         .error  "GLBLABD"
      /set lab [qstr [arg 1]] //save label name
    /else //NAME was not provided
      /if [not labex] then
        /show "  GLBLABD macro invoked without any label."
         .error  "GLBLABD"
[chars lab]:
.global  [chars lab]
  /if using_c then
[chars "_" lab]:
.global  [chars "_" lab]

//   [label] Macro GLBENTD [name]
//   Like GLBLABD, except that extra NOPs for debugger skidding is added after
//   the entry point if debugging with a ICD is enabled.
/macro glbentd
  /var local lab string
  /var local labex bool

  /if [exist -1 arg] then //LABEL was provided ?
    /set lab [qstr [arg -1]] //save the label name
    /set labex true //indicate LABEL was found
  /if [exist 1 arg]
    /then //NAME was provided
      /if labex then
        /show "  GLBLABD macro invoked with both leading label and trailing name."
         .error  "GLBLABD"
      /set lab [qstr [arg 1]] //save label name
    /else //NAME was not provided
      /if [not labex] then
        /show "  GLBLABD macro invoked without any label."
         .error  "GLBLABD"
[chars lab]:
.global  [chars lab]
  /if using_c then
[chars "_" lab]:
.global  [chars "_" lab]

;   Macro GCALL target
;   Call subroutine TARGET, which is assumed to be outside the current module
;   and can therefore be anywhere in program memory.
.macro gcall target
         call    \target

;   Macro GJUMP target
;   Jump to global label TARGET, which is assumed to be outside the current
;   module and can therefore be anywhere in program memory.
.macro gjump target
         goto    \target

;   Macro MCALL target
;   Call subroutine TARGET, which is assumed to be in the same module and the
;   same program memory linker section as the call.
.macro mcall target
         rcall   \target

;   Macro JUMP target
;   Jump to label TARGET, which is assumed to be in the same module and the same
;   program memory linker section as this macro.
.macro jump target
         bra     \target

;   I/O port configuration.
;   Create and initialize the various assembler variables assumed by the /INBIT,
;   /INANA, and /OUTBIT commands.  These variables are later used in the PORT
;   module to initialize the I/O pins according to the /INxxx and /OUTxxx
;   commands.
         .set    analogused0, 0
         .set    analogused1, 0

/loop with ii from 0 to 25
  /var local c string
  /set c [char [+ [ccode "a"] ii]]

  /write ".ifdef   Port" c
  /write "         .set    val_port" c ", 0"
  /write "         .set    val_tris" c ", 0"
  /write "         .set    val_pullup" c ", 0"
  /write "         .set    val_analog" c ", 0"
  /write "  .endif"


//   Subroutine GET_PORT_DATA name dir pol ana [ANx]
//   The call arguments are intended to be the expansion of one of the
//   Portdata_<port><bit> constants.  The following variables will be set:
//     IOBIT_NAME  -  User name of this I/O bit.
//     IOBIT_OUT  -  Boolean, TRUE for output bit, FALSE for input bit.
//     IOBIT_POS  -  Boolean, TRUE for positive logic, FALSE for negative.
//     IOBIT_ANA  -  Boolean, TRUE for analog pin, FALSE for digital
//     IOBIT_CHAN  -  Integer, analog channel ANx number.  If the pin is not
//       analog (IOBIT_ANA is False), then this variable may not exist, and its
//       value is undefined if it does exist.
/subroutine get_port_data
  /var exist iobit_name string
  /var exist iobit_out bool
  /var exist iobit_pos bool
  /var exist iobit_ana bool

  /set iobit_name [qstr [arg 1]]
  /set iobit_out [= [ucase [qstr [arg 2]]] "OUT"]
  /set iobit_pos [= [ucase [qstr [arg 3]]] "POS"]
  /set iobit_ana [= [ucase [qstr [arg 4]]] "ANA"]
  /if iobit_ana then         ;this pin is analog ?
    /var exist iobit_chan integer
    /set iobit_chan [chars [substr 3 2 [qstr [arg 5]]]]

;   FIFOs.
;   FIFOs of 8 bit bytes.

;   FIFOs that contain 8 bit bytes have the following format:
;     name + FIFOB_OFS_N  -  Number of data bytes currently in the FIFO (byte).
;     name + FIFOB_OFS_PUT  -  Offset into the buffer where to write next
;       byte (byte).
;     name + FIFOB_OFS_GET  -  Offset into the buffer where to read the
;       next byte from (byte).
;     name + FIFOB_OFS_BUF  -  Start of the data buffer.
;   Each of these fields can have arbitrary byte alignment.
;   Define a byte FIFO data structure:
/call struct_start
         field   fifob_ofs_n, 1 ;number of bytes currently in the FIFO
         field   fifob_ofs_put, 1 ;buffer offset where to write next data byte
         field   fifob_ofs_get, 1 ;buffer offset where to read next data byte from

.equiv   fifob_ofs_buf, [v struct_offset] ;start of data buffer
.equiv   fifob_size, [v struct_offset] ;size of FIFO without the data buffer

;   Macro FIFOB_DEFINE name, size
;   Define a byte FIFO.  NAME will be defined as the starting address of the
;   FIFO data structure.  SIZE is the maximum number of bytes the FIFO must be
;   able to hold, and must not exceed 255.  The constant <name>_SZ will be
;   defined to be the size of the FIFO unless it already exists.  It is an error
;   if <name>_SZ is previously defined but is not equal to SIZE.
.macro fifob_define name, size
  .ifdef &name&_sz
    .if (&name&_sz - (\size))
         .error  "Pre-existing FIFO size constant not equal to new FIFO size."

.ifndef  &name&_sz
         .equiv  &name&_sz, \size

alloc    \name,  (\size) + fifob_size, 1

;   Macro FIFOB_INIT name
;   Initialize the indicated byte FIFO.
;   W0 is trashed.
.macro fifob_init name
         mov     #\name, w0  ;point to start of FIFO data structure
         clr.b   [w0++]      ;init buffer to empty
         clr.b   [w0++]      ;init write index to start of buffer
         clr.b   [w0++]      ;init read index to start of buffer

;   Macro FIFOB_Z_EMPTY name
;   Set the Z flag if the indicated FIFO is completely empty.
;   W0 is trashed.
.macro fifob_z_empty name
         mov     #\name, w0  ;point to start of FIFO data structure
         mov.b   [w0 + fifob_ofs_n], w0 ;get number of bytes in the FIFO
         and     #0xFF, w0   ;mask off upper byte, set Z if FIFO is empty

;   Macro FIFOB_EMPTY_N name
;   Set W0 to the number of empty slots in the FIFO.
.macro fifob_empty_n name
         mov     #\name, w0  ;point to start of FIFO data structure
         mov.b   [w0 + fifob_ofs_n], w0 ;get number of bytes in the FIFO
         ze      w0, w0
         neg     w0, w0
         add     #&name&_sz, w0 ;make number of empty FIFO slots

;   Macro FIFOB_Z_FULL name
;   Set the Z flag if the indicated FIFO is completely full.
;   W0 and W1 are trashed.
.macro fifob_z_full name
         mov     #\name, w0  ;point to start of FIFO data structure
         mov.b   [w0 + fifob_ofs_n], w0 ;get number of bytes in the FIFO
         and     #0xFF, w0   ;mask off upper byte which contains garbage
         mov     #&name&_sz, w1
         cp      w0, w1

;   Macro FIFOB_FULL_N name
;   Set W0 to the number of full slots in the FIFO.
.macro fifob_full_n name
         mov     #\name, w0  ;point to start of FIFO data structure
         mov.b   [w0 + fifob_ofs_n], w0 ;get number of bytes in the FIFO
         and     #0xFF, w0   ;mask off upper byte which contains garbage

;   Macro FIFOB_PUT name
;   Write the byte in the low 8 bits of W0 to the indicated FIFO.  The
;   FIFO must not be full, although this is not checked.
;   Trashes W1, W2, W3.
.macro fifob_put name
         mov     #\name, w1  ;point W1 to FIFO
         mov.b   [w1 + fifob_ofs_put], w2 ;get PUT index in W2
         and     #0xFF, w2
         add     w2, w1, w3
         mov.b   w0, [w3 + fifob_ofs_buf] ;write the data byte into the FIFO buffer

         add     w2, #1, w2  ;increment local copy of PUT index
         mov     #&name&_sz, w3 ;get buffer size
         cp      w2, w3      ;compare new PUT index to buffer size
         bra     ltu, m\@_1  ;still within buffer ?
         mov     #0, w2      ;no, wrap back to buffer start
m\@_1:                       ;W2 contains new PUT index
         mov.b   w2, [w1 + fifob_ofs_put] ;update PUT index in FIFO structure

         mov.b   [w1 + fifob_ofs_n], w2 ;update number of bytes in the FIFO
         inc     w2, w2
         mov.b   w2, [w1 + fifob_ofs_n]

;   Macro FIFOB_GET name
;   Get the next byte from the indicated FIFO into W0.  The high byte of W0
;   will be zero.  The FIFO must not be empty, although this is not checked.
;   Trashes W1, W2.
.macro fifob_get name
         mov     #\name, w1  ;point W1 to the FIFO structure

         mov.b   [w1 + fifob_ofs_n], w0 ;count one less byte in the FIFO
         dec     w0, w0
         mov.b   w0, [w1 + fifob_ofs_n]

         mov.b   [w1 + fifob_ofs_get], w2 ;get the GET index into W2
         and     #0xFF, w2
         inc     w2, w2      ;advance the index
         mov     #&name&_sz, w0 ;get the buffer size
         cp      w2, w0
         bra     ltu, m\@_1  ;still within the buffer ?
         mov     #0, w2      ;no, wrap back to buffer start
m\@_1:                       ;W2 contains new GET index

         mov.b   [w1 + fifob_ofs_get], w0 ;get the old GET index into W0
         and     #0xFF, w0
         add     w0, w1, w0
         mov.b   [w0 + fifob_ofs_buf], w0 ;get the data byte into W0
         and     #0xFF, w0   ;mask in only the data byte in all of W0

         mov.b   w2, [w1 + fifob_ofs_get] ;update GET index in FIFO structure

;   FIFOs of 16 bit words.
;   These FIFOs use the following symbols:
;     FIFOW_name_PUT  -  Variable holding the 0-N offset into FIFO buffer where
;       next word will be written.  The buffer word at PUT is always empty.
;     FIFOW_name_GET  -  Variable holding the 0-N offset into FIFO buffer where
;       next word will be read from.  When the FIFO is empty, GET = PUT.  When
;       the FIFO is full, PUT is one less than GET after wrapping.
;     FIFOW_name_BUF  -  Circular buffer that holds the FIFO data words.  Words
;       are written and read in ascending address order, except that the buffer
;       wraps back to the first word after the last.
;     FIFOW_name_BUFSZ  -  Integer preprocessor constant, BUF size in words.
;       The number of words the FIFO can hold is BUFSZ - 1.
;   The data structure and protocol have been deliberately designed so that
;   reading and writing can be done concurrently, even between foreground code
;   and interrupt code.  There is no race condition because the state is always
;   checked before any action, and updated after.
;   The macros for using word FIFOs are listed briefly here.  See their comment
;   headers for the details:
;     FIFOW_DEFINE name, size
;       Write variable definitions for the FIFO.  SIZE is max data words.
;     FIFOW_INIT name
;       Initializes the FIFO to empty.  Trashes W0
;     FIFOW_JUMP_EMPTY name, adr
;       Jump to ADR if the FIFO is empty.  Trashes W0, W1.
;     FIFOW_Z_EMPTY name
;       Set the Z flag iff the FIFO is empty.  Trashes W0, W1.
;     FIFOW_JUMP_NOTEMPTY name, adr
;       Jump to ADR if the FIFO is not empty.  Trashes W0, W1.
;     FIFOW_JUMP_FULL name, adr
;       Jump to ADR if the FIFO is full.  Trashes W0, W1.
;     FIFOW_JUMP_NOTFULL name, adr
;       Jump to ADR if the FIFO it not full.  Trashes W0, W1.
;     FIFOW_FULL_N name
;       Number of data words into W0.  Trashes W1.
;     FIFOW_EMPTY_N name
;       Number of empty words into W0.  Trashes W1.
;     FIFOW_PUT name
;       Write W0 to the FIFO.  FIFO must not be full.  Trashes W1, W2.
;     FIFOW_GET name
;       Reads next word into W0.  FIFO must not be empty.  Trashes W1, W2.

//   Macro FIFOW_DEFINE name, size
//   Define a word (16 bit data) FIFO.  NAME will be used to create unique
//   symbols for this FIFO.  All these symbols have the form FIFOW_name_xxx,
//   where XXX refers to particular symbols.  All the interactions with the FIFO
//   via the macros here are only by using NAME.  The various symbols created
//   and the exact details of the FIFO data structure and read/write protocol
//   should be considered private to these macros.  Put another way, a FIFO
//   should only be accessed thru the macros here.
//   NAME is the name characters directly, not a string.
//   SIZE is the maximum number of words the FIFO must be able to hold.
/macro fifow_define
  /const fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz integer = [+ [arg 2] 1] ;buffer size, words

alloc    fifow_[arg 1]_put
alloc    fifow_[arg 1]_get
alloc    fifow_[arg 1]_buf, [* fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz 2]


//   Macro FIFOW_INIT name
//   Initialize the FIFO to empty.
//   Trashes: W0
/macro fifow_init
         mov     #0, w0
         mov     w0, fifow_[arg 1]_put
         mov     w0, fifow_[arg 1]_get

//   Macro FIFOW_Z_EMPTY name
//   Sets the Z flag if the FIFO is empty, and clears it otherwise.
//   Trashes: W0, W1
/macro fifow_z_empty
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w0
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w1
         cp      w0, w1

//   Macro FIFOW_JUMP_EMPTY name, adr
//   Jump to ADR if the named FIFO is empty, else continue execution after this
//   macro.
//   Trashes: W0, W1
/macro fifow_jump_empty
         fifow_z_empty [arg 1] ;set Z iff FIFO empty
         bra     z, [arg 2]  ;FIFO is empty ?

//   Macro FIFOW_JUMP_NOTEMPTY name, adr
//   Jump to ADR if the named FIFO is not empty, else continue execution after
//   this macro.
//   Trashes: W0, W1
/macro fifow_jump_notempty
         fifow_z_empty [arg 1] ;set Z iff FIFO empty
         bra     nz, [arg 2] ;FIFO is not empty ?

//   Macro FIFOW_JUMP_FULL name, adr
//   Jump to ADR if the named FIFO is full, else continue execution after this
//   macro.
//   Trashes: W0, W1
/macro fifow_jump_full
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w0 ;get index to read next word from
         cp0     w0
         skip_nz             ;not at first word ?
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz], w0 ;wrap to one past last word
         sub     #1, w0      ;make wrapped GET-1
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w1 ;get PUT
         cp      w0, w1      ;compare GET-1 to PUT
         bra     z, [arg 2]  ;the FIFO is full ?

//   Macro FIFOW_JUMP_NOTFULL name, adr
//   Jump to ADR if the named FIFO is not full, else continue execution after
//   this macro.
//   Trashes: W0, W1
/macro fifow_jump_notfull
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w0 ;get index to read next word from
         cp0     w0
         skip_nz             ;not at first word ?
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz], w0 ;wrap to one past last word
         sub     #1, w0      ;make wrapped GET-1
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w1 ;get PUT
         cp      w0, w1      ;compare GET-1 to PUT
         bra     nz, [arg 2] ;the FIFO is not full ?

//   Macro FIFOW_FULL_N name
//   Get the number of words in the named FIFO into W0.
//   Trashes: W1
/macro fifow_full_n
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w0 ;get the PUT index
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w1 ;get the GET index
         sub     w0, w1, w0  ;raw number of words waiting to be read
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz] ;get wrap amount in case needed
         skip_posz           ;buffer break not between GET and PUT ?
         add     w0, w1, w0  ;account for buffer wrap

//   Macro FIFOW_EMPTY_N name
//   Get the amount of empty space of the named FIFO.  The amount of space in
//   words is left in W0.  This is the number of times a word can be safely
//   written to the FIFO without overflow.
//   Trashes: W1
/macro fifow_empty_n
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w0 ;get the GET index
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w1 ;get the PUT index
         sub     w0, w1, w0  ;make usable empty slots from PUT to GET
         sub     #1, w0
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz] ;get wrap amount in case needed
         skip_posz           ;buffer break not between GET and PUT ?
         add     w0, w1, w0  ;account for buffer wrap

//   Macro FIFOW_PUT name
//   Write the word in W0 to the named FIFO.  It is the caller's responsibility
//   to ensure the FIFO has room for the new word.  Invoking this macro with the
//   FIFO full makes a mess.
//   Trashes: W1, W2
/macro fifow_put
         mov     #fifow_[arg 1]_buf, w1 ;point to start of buffer
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_put, w2 ;get PUT word index into buffer
         add     w1, w2, w1  ;add byte offset to where to write the word
         add     w1, w2, w1
         mov     w0, [w1]    ;write the word into the buffer

         add     #1, w2      ;make raw new PUT index
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz], w1 ;get first invalid buffer index
         cp      w2, w1
         skip_ltu            ;still within the buffer ?
         mov     #0, w2      ;no, wrap back to start of buffer
         mov     w2, fifow_[arg 1]_put ;update the PUT index

//   Macro FIFOW_GET name
//   Get the next word from the named FIFO into W0.  It is the caller's
//   responsibility to ensure there is a word in the FIFO to read.  Invoking
//   this macro on a empty FIFO makes a mess.
//   Trashes: W1, W2
/macro fifow_get
         mov     #fifow_[arg 1]_buf, w1 ;point to start of buffer
         mov     fifow_[arg 1]_get, w2 ;get GET word index
         add     w1, w2, w1  ;add byte offset to where to read the word from
         add     w1, w2, w1
         mov     [w1], w0    ;read the word from the FIFO buffer

         add     #1, w2      ;make raw new GET index
         mov     #[v fifow_[arg 1]_bufsz], w1 ;get first invalid buffer index
         cp      w2, w1
         skip_ltu            ;still within the buffer ?
         mov     #0, w2      ;no, wrap back to start of buffer
         mov     w2, fifow_[arg 1]_get ;update the GET index

;   Preprocessor string parsing and manipulation.

//   Subroutine TABTO varname column
//   Add blanks to the end of the string VARNAME so that the next next character
//   appended to its end will be at column COLUMN or later.
//   The Embed conventions for assembler code are:
//       1         2         3         4
//       opcode  operand     ;comment
//   which means the tabto columns are:
//     opcode    10
//     operand   18
//     comment   30
/subroutine tabto
  /block                     ;back here until at the right column
    /if [>= [slen [arg 1]] [- [arg 2] 1]] then
    /set [arg 1] [str [arg 1] " "]

//   Subroutine TABOPCODE varname
//   Append spaces as necessary to the end of the string in VARNAME so that the
//   next character will be at or after the opcode start column.  VARNAME is
//   always returned ending in a blank.
/subroutine tabopcode
  /if [<> [sindx [slen [arg 1]] [arg 1]] " "] then ;not already ending in blank ?
    /set [arg 1] [str [arg 1] " "] ;add one blank at end
  /call tabto [arg 1] 10

//   Subroutine TABOPERAND varname
//   Append spaces as necessary to the end of the string in VARNAME so that the
//   next character will be at or after the operand start column.  VARNAME is
//   always returned ending in a blank.
/subroutine taboperand
  /if [<> [sindx [slen [arg 1]] [arg 1]] " "] then ;not already ending in blank ?
    /set [arg 1] [str [arg 1] " "] ;add one blank at end
  /call tabto [arg 1] 18

//   Subroutine STARTCOMM varname
//   Add the start of a MPASM comment to the end of the string in the variable
//   VARNAME.  The string will end in the comment delimeter character, which
//   will be in the usual comment column or later.  There will always be at
//   least one blank before the comment start character.  The caller can
//   directly append the text of the comment to the string.
/subroutine startcomm
  /if [<> [sindx [slen [arg 1]] [arg 1]] " "] then ;not already ending in blank ?
    /set [arg 1] [str [arg 1] " "] ;add one blank at end
  /call tabto [arg 1] 30
  /set [arg 1] [str [arg 1] ";"]

//   Subroutine STRING_TOKEN str ind tok
//   Parses the next token from the string STR.  IND must be the name of a
//   integer variable that is the string index to start parsing at.  IND is
//   updated to after the token.  TOK must be a string variable into which the
//   parsed token is returned.  IND should be started at 1 in a sequence to get
//   all tokens from the string.  IND is returned past the end of the string
//   when the input string has been exhausted.
/subroutine string_token
  /set [arg 3] ""            ;init the token to the empty string
  /if [< [arg 2] 1] then     ;invalid IND ?
  //   Skip over leading blanks.
    /if [> [arg 2] [slen [arg 1]]] then ;past end of string ?
    /if [= [sindx [arg 2] [arg 1]] " "] then ;another blank ?
      /set [arg 2] [+ [arg 2] 1] ;advance the parse index
  //   Grab string characters up to the first blank or end of input string.
    /if [= [sindx [arg 2] [arg 1]] " "] then ;hit a blank ?
      /set [arg 2] [+ [arg 2] 1] ;start at next character next time
    /set [arg 3] [str [arg 3] [sindx [arg 2] [arg 1]]] ;add this char to token
    /set [arg 2] [+ [arg 2] 1] ;advance to next input string index
    /if [> [arg 2] [slen [arg 1]]] then ;past end of string ?

//   Subroutine SHOWVAL name [description]
//   Show the value of the preprocessor symbol NAME.  When no DESCRIPTION
//   parameter is present, the following will be written to standard output:
//     NAME <value>
//   When DESCRIPTION is present, this is followed by ", <description>".  The
//   description argument must be a single argument.  It will generally be a
//   string of characters enclosed in quotes.
/subroutine showval
  /if [exist 2 arg]
    /then                    ;DESCRIPTION exists
      /var local desc string = [str ", " [arg 2]]
    /else                    ;DESCRIPTION not supplied
      /var local desc string = ""
  /var local nam string = [qstr [arg 1]]
  /var local name string = [sym nam nl qual]
  /var local val string

    /if [= [sym name dtype] "REAL"] then
      /set val [eng [chars name] 4 ""]
    /if [= [sym name dtype] "STRING"] then
      /set val [str '"' [chars name] '"']
    /set val [chars name]

  /show "  " nam " " val desc

//   Subroutine SHOWHEX name [description]
//   Like SHOWVAL, except that the value is shown in hexadecimal if the data
//   type of NAME is integer.
/subroutine showhex
  /if [exist 2 arg]
    /then                    ;DESCRIPTION exists
      /var local desc string = [str ", " [arg 2]]
    /else                    ;DESCRIPTION not supplied
      /var local desc string = ""
  /var local nam string = [qstr [arg 1]]
  /var local name string = [sym nam nl qual]
  /var local val string

    /if [= [sym name dtype] "REAL"] then
      /set val [eng [chars name] 4 ""]
    /if [= [sym name dtype] "STRING"] then
      /set val [str '"' [chars name] '"']
    /if [= [sym name dtype] "INTEGER"] then
      /set val [str [int [chars name] "base 16 usin"] "h"]
    /set val [chars name]

  /show "  " nam " " val desc

//   Subroutine SHOWBIN name [description]
//   Like SHOWVAL, except that the value is shown in binary if the data type of
//   NAME is integer.
/subroutine showbin
  /if [exist 2 arg]
    /then                    ;DESCRIPTION exists
      /var local desc string = [str ", " [arg 2]]
    /else                    ;DESCRIPTION not supplied
      /var local desc string = ""
  /var local nam string = [qstr [arg 1]]
  /var local name string = [sym nam nl qual]
  /var local val string

    /if [= [sym name dtype] "REAL"] then
      /set val [eng [chars name] 4 ""]
    /if [= [sym name dtype] "STRING"] then
      /set val [str '"' [chars name] '"']
    /if [= [sym name dtype] "INTEGER"] then
      /set val [str [int [chars name] "base 2 usin"] "b"]
    /set val [chars name]

  /show "  " nam " " val desc

//   Function CHARS_WORD16 str
//   Return the 16 bit word containing the first two characters of the string
//   STR.  The first character will be in the low byte, and the second in the
//   high byte.  If STR is less than 2 characters in length, then bytes for the
//   missing characters will be set to 0.
/function chars_word16
  /var local str string = [vnl [arg 1]] //input string
  /var local w integer //word value being built

  /if [>= [slen str] 1] then //first char exists ?
    /set w [ccode [sindx 1 str]]

  /if [>= [slen str] 2] then //second char exists ?
    /set w [or w [shiftl [ccode [sindx 2 str]] 8]]

  /funcval w

;   Defining constants in program memory.
;   Facilities for writing bytes to program memory.  Program memory is
;   essentially treated as byte-addressed, even though there are 3 bytes per
;   program memory word, and that word occupies 2 addresses.
;   Labels, if specified, will be the byte offset into a data structure, not the
;   program memory address.
;   These routines can be useful for creating efficiently-packed constant data
;   in program memory, or for creating a image of data stored elsewhere, like
;   the initial data for a non-volatile memory.
;   The current byte offset is kept in PBYTE_OFFSET.  This is automatically
;   initialized to 0 on the first invocation of PBYTE.  It is then incremented
;   by PBYTE each byte.  It can be explicitly set to any value at any time,
;   and subsequent labels will have different values accordingly.
;   All the high level macros may be optionally preceeded by a label.  If the
;   label ends with a colon, then it will be a local symbol with the colon
;   stripped off.  If the label does not end in a colon, then the label will be
;   used as provided, and will be made global.  In all cases, the label value is
;   the byte offset of the first byte being defined.
;   When done writing constants to program memory with these macros, subroutine
;   PBYTE_FINISH should be called to write any remaining partial program memory
;   word.  Unused bytes are set to the erased value of FFh.

//   Subroutine PBYTE_START
//   This routine should be called before writing a new structure to program
//   Memory.  It resets the internal address offset so that the next byte is
//   considered to be written at offset 0 from the start of the structure.
/subroutine pbyte_start
  /var exist pbyte_offset integer //make sure byte offset exists
  /set pbyte_offset 0 //initialize or reset the offset to 0

//   Macro PWORD val [, comment]
//   Write one program memory word and set it to the value in the low 24 bits of
//   VAL.  A .PWORD directive will be written, and the value will always be a
//   6 digit hexadecimal constant.  The argument must be resolvable to a integer
//   value by the preprocessor.
//   If the optional COMMENT parameter is supplied, its string representation
//   will be writtten as the end of line comment.
/macro pword
  /var local val integer = [and [arg 1] 16#FFFFFF]
  /var local s string
  /var local comm string
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set comm [str [arg 2]]

  /set s [str "         .pword  0x" [int val "fw 6 lz base 16 usin"]]

  /if [<> comm ""] then      ;there is a comment ?
      /if [>= [slen s] 28] then
      /set s [str s " "]
    /set s [str s " ;" comm]

  /write s                   ;write the output file line

//   Macro [label] PB_HERE
//   Writes no data to program memory, but defines the label at the current byte
//   offset.  See the PBYTE macro (below) for details of how the label is
//   defined.
//   The purpose of this macro is to create a label for the current byte offset.
//   If the byte offset variable PBYTE_OFFSET does not exist, it is created and
//   initialized to 0.
/macro pb_here
  /var exist pbyte_offset integer = 0 ;init byte offset from start

  /var local lab string = [qstr [arg -1]] ;get optional label name, if any
  /var local global bool     ;make label global, not local
  /var local ii integer

  /set ii [slen lab]         ;get length of raw label name
  /set global [<> [sindx ii lab] ":"] ;doesn't end in colon, label is global ?
  /if [not global] then
    /set lab [substr 1 [- ii 1] lab] ;remove trailing colon from label name
  /if [> [slen lab] 0] then  ;there is a label ?
.equiv   [chars lab], [v pbyte_offset]
    /if global then
         .global [chars lab]

//   Macro [label] PBYTE val
//   Write to the next program memory byte in the current program memory word.
//   If the program memory word fills up, then write it with a .PWORD directive.
//   The byte value will be the low 8 bits of the argument.  The argument must
//   be resolvable to a integer value by the preprocessor.
//   Bytes are written in least to most significant order in the program memory
//   word.
//   Data will be buffered until a complete program memory word can be written,
//   which requires 3 bytes.  Use subroutine PBYTE_FINISH to force any buffered
//   data to be written.  Unused high bytes of a program memory word will be set
//   to the erased value of FFh.
//   If LABEL is supplied, then it is created as a assembler constant set to the
//   offset of this byte (not program memory address) from the first byte
//   created, or since PBYTE_OFFSET was reset to 0.
//   If the label name ends in ":", then it is created as a local symbol without
//   the trailing ":".  If it does not end in ":", then it is created as a
//   global symbol.
/macro pbyte
  /var exist pbyte_word integer = 16#FFFFFF ;make sure persistant state exists
  /var exist pbyte_nbytes integer = 0 ;number of pending unwritten bytes in PBYTE_WORD
  /var local val integer = [and [arg 1] 16#FF] ;get the byte value

[arg -1] pb_here             ;define label, if label name given

    /if [= pbyte_nbytes 0] then ;insert into byte 0 ?
      /set pbyte_word 16#FFFF00
      /set pbyte_word [or pbyte_word val]
      /set pbyte_nbytes [+ pbyte_nbytes 1]

    /if [= pbyte_nbytes 1] then ;insert into byte 1 ?
      /set pbyte_word [and pbyte_word 16#FF00FF]
      /set pbyte_word [or pbyte_word [shiftl val 8]]
      /set pbyte_nbytes [+ pbyte_nbytes 1]

    /if [= pbyte_nbytes 2] then ;insert into byte 2 ?
      /set pbyte_word [and pbyte_word 16#00FFFF]
      /set pbyte_word [or pbyte_word [shiftl val 16]]
      //   The word is full, write it to program memory.
         pword   [v pbyte_word]
      /set pbyte_nbytes 0    ;reset to no pending unwritten bytes

  /set pbyte_offset [+ pbyte_offset 1] ;make offset for next byte

//   Subroutine PBYTE_FINISH
//   Write out any last partially defined program memory word.  Since program
//   memory words are 3 bytes in size, one is only written every 3 PBYTE
//   invocations.
/subroutine pbyte_finish
  /if [not [exist "pbyte_nbytes"]] then ;PBYTE never called ?

    /if [= pbyte_nbytes 0] then
         pbyte   16#FF

//   Macro [label] PB_WORD16 val [, fracbits]
//   Writes a 16 bit word in low to high byte order.  VAL is the word value.
//   FRACBITS is the number of fraction bits in the fixed-point value.  The
//   default is 0, meaning the word is a normal integer.
//   Another way to look at this is that VAL is shifted left FRACBITS bits, then
//   rounded to the nearest integer.  The low 16 bits of the result are written
//   to program memory.
//   Here are some examples and their resulting 16 bit words:
//     pb_word16 27         -->     001Bh
//     pb_word16 103.7, 4   -->     067Bh
//     pb_word16 12.0       -->     000Ch
//     pb_word16 5, 8       -->     0500h
/macro pb_word16
  /var local ii integer
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set ii [arg 2]
  /set ii [rnd [* [arg 1] [exp 2 ii]]] ;make word value

[arg -1] pbyte   [and ii 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 8] 16#FF]

//   Macro [label] PB_WORD24 val [, fracbits]
//   Like PB_WORD16, except that it writes 24 bits (3 bytes).
/macro pb_word24
  /var local ii integer
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set ii [arg 2]
  /set ii [rnd [* [arg 1] [exp 2 ii]]] ;make word value

[arg -1] pbyte   [and ii 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 8] 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 16] 16#FF]

//   Macro [label] PB_WORD32 val [, fracbits]
//   Like PB_WORD16, except that it writes 32 bits (4 bytes).
/macro pb_word32
  /var local ii integer
  /if [exist 2 arg] then
    /set ii [arg 2]
  /set ii [rnd [* [arg 1] [exp 2 ii]]] ;make word value

[arg -1] pbyte   [and ii 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 8] 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 16] 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 24] 16#FF]

//   Macro [label] PB_FP32F val
//   Writes a value in Embed dsPIC 32 bit fast floating point format to the next
//   4 bytes of program memory.
/macro pb_fp32f
  /var local ii integer = [fp32f_int [arg 1]]

[arg -1] pbyte   [and ii 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 8] 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 16] 16#FF]
         pbyte   [and [shiftr ii 24] 16#FF]

//   Macro FP48P fpval
//   Write 6 consecutive bytes to program memory.  These will be the 48 bit
//   floating point representation of FPVAL in least to most significant byte
//   order.  The FPVAL parameter must be interpretable as a floating point value
//   by the preprocessor.
/macro fp48p
  /var local fpval real = [arg 1]
  /call fp48_make [v fpval]  ;set FP48_EXP and FP48_MANT
         pbyte   [v fp48_mant]
         pbyte   [shiftr fp48_mant 8]
         pbyte   [shiftr fp48_mant 16]
         pbyte   [shiftr fp48_mant 24]
         pbyte   [v fp48_exp]
         pbyte   [shiftr fp48_exp 8]

//   Macro [label] RAWSTRING "..."
//   Write a string constant into program memory.  The string will be a sequence
//   of bytes, with the byte order low to high within each program memory word.
//   Only the raw bytes of the string are written.  Remaining unused bytes in
//   the last program memory word are set to the erased value of FFh.
//   If a label is supplied, it will be defined as the address of the first
//   program memory word of the string.  In this case, the string is started at
//   the beginning of a new program memory word, with any partially defined
//   previous word written before this new string.  The string value will be
//   written as a comment on the label line, which will be separate from the
//   program memory words containing the string data.
/macro rawstring
  /var local s string = [arg 1]
  /var local ln string       ;scratch output line
  /var local cc integer      ;character code of current string character
  //   Write the label line, if a label was provided.  If so, this will include
  //   a comment that shows the value of the string.
  /if [exist -1 arg] then    ;label was provided ?
    /call pbyte_finish       ;flush any previously defined partial prog mem word
    /set ln [qstr [arg -1]]  ;init label line with label name
    /set ln [str ln ": "]
    /if [> [slen s] 0] then
      /loop                  ;tab out to comment start column
        /if [>= [slen ln] 29] then
        /set ln [str ln " "]
      /set ln [str ln ";"]   ;write comment start character
    /loop with ii from 1 to [slen s] ;loop over the string characters
      /set cc [ccode [sindx ii s]] ;get character code of this character
      /if [and [>= cc 32] [<> cc 127]] then ;this is a printable character ?
        /set ln [str ln [char cc]]
    /write ln                ;write the label line to the output file
  //   Write the string bytes.
  /loop with ii from 1 to [slen s] ;loop over the string characters
         pbyte   [ccode [sindx ii s]] ;write this character
  /call pbyte_finish         ;write any partial program memory word

//   Macro [label] PGSTRING "..."
//   Write a counted string constant into program memory.  The string will be a
//   sequence of bytes, with the byte order low to high within each program
//   memory word.  The first byte is the length byte, which is then followed by
//   exactly that many string bytes.
//   If a label is supplied, it will be defined as the address of the first
//   program memory word of the string.  In this case, the string is started at
//   the beginning of a new program memory word, with any partially defined
//   previous word written before this new string.  The string value will be
//   written as a comment on the label line, which will be separate from the
//   program memory words containing the string data.
/macro pgstring
  /var local s string = [arg 1]
  /var local ln string
  /var local ii integer
  /var local cc integer
  //   Write the label line, if a label was provided.  If so, this will include
  //   a comment that shows the value of the string.
  /if [exist -1 arg] then    ;label was provided ?
    /call pbyte_finish       ;flush any previously defined partial prog mem word
    /set ln [qstr [arg -1]]  ;init label line with label name
    /set ln [str ln ": "]
    /if [> [slen s] 0] then
      /block                 ;tab out to comment start column
        /if [>= [slen ln] 29] then
        /set ln [str ln " "]
      /set ln [str ln ";"]   ;write comment start character
    /set ii 1                ;init index of next character to write
    /block                   ;back here each character of the string
      /if [> ii [slen s]] then
      /set cc [ccode [sindx ii s]] ;get character code of this character
      /if [and [>= cc 32] [<> cc 127]] then ;this is a printable character ?
        /set ln [str ln [char cc]]
      /set ii [+ ii 1]       ;advance to next character in the string
    /write ln                ;write the label line to the output file
  //   Write the string bytes.
         pbyte   [slen s]    ;write the string length byte

  /set ii 1                  ;init next string character to write
  /block                     ;back here each new character
    /if [> ii [slen s]] then
         pbyte   [ccode [sindx ii s]] ;write this character
    /set ii [+ ii 1]
  /call pbyte_finish         ;write any partial program memory word